Jack Beale 00 - Dangerous Shoals

Jack Beale 00 - Dangerous Shoals by K.D. Mason Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Jack Beale 00 - Dangerous Shoals by K.D. Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.D. Mason
into his eyes and gave him a kiss. She could feel his response. Unlike before, this time it was slower, more deliberate. This time they made love. When sleep finally came, they slept deeply as one.

    THERE HAD BEEN no further Daniel sightings for weeks. It was a busy time of year. The list of projects to be finished before summer increased faster than the hours of daylight. Jack had stripped off the winter cover from Irrepressible and was also busy at Ben’s helping to get things ready for the coming summer season. It was a time filled with energy and optimism.
    Ben’s was in transition from the quiet of winter to the insanity of summer. Max had to pick up extra shifts because the summer staff had not yet been hired, so often the only times she saw Jack were when he stopped in the bar for a beer or she climbed into bed after a late shift. Often he was asleep.
    But tonight he must have heard her come in. “Max?” His groggy voice reached through the darkness. It was late and she was exhausted, but it was reassuring to hear Jack’s voice as she climbed into his bed. Usually she only heard the deep breathing of profound sleep or if she was really lucky, a snore.
    “Hey Jack,” she replied in a half whisper. Then she leaned over toward the voice, searching for a kiss.
    “How was your … ?” This time his voice was stronger, and before he could finish his question, her lips found their target and her kiss stifled the rest of his words. “Mmmm,” he moaned as their lips met. He reached out and pulled her close. There was no resistance. As late as it was and as tired as they both were, that small kiss ignited passions that had been simmering below the surface. Any remaining clothing was stripped away as their tongues explored and kisses strayed from mouth, to neck, to breast, and beyond. Hands rubbed and caressed, gently and with force. Short gasps took the place of normal breathing, their sweat-covered bodies melded together, pulled apart, and then rejoined. Where once they had been two, now they were one, and they remained that way until they were finally so exhausted that sleep overtook them.
    Sunrise found them still in each other’s arms. The rising sun streamed through the skylight and warmed Jack’s face, triggering dreams of Belize. He was with her. They were lying on a beach, then on the trampoline between the bows of d’Riddem. The sun was hot and they were alone, locked together in an embrace, their hearts beating as one. The sun felt so good. He looked down at her, saw tiny beads of sweat forming on her face, and kissed her. He could taste the salt of her sweat. It wasn’t as salty as the ocean on which they floated―it was almost sweet, but definitely salty. He could feel rivulets of sweat beginning to run down his back, and where their bodies touched their sweat mixed and bare flesh became slippery. It was too hot and not hot enough all at the same time. His eyes were pressed shut against the bright sun, but he could still see all. He felt the warm pleasant pressure in his groin and pressed closer to her. Then it became dark. The warmth on his face went cold, the sweat on his skin cooled, and he felt a chill. He opened his eyes as a dark shape blocked the sun. Those dark soulless eyes were staring down at him, and he felt fear. His breath stolen, he could feel the presence of death.
    “Hunh!” Jack sat up, almost awake, disoriented. He looked up at the skylight and saw a large dark cloud passing in front of the sun. Through the fog of his awakening he heard Max’s voice. “Jack. Are you all right?”
    His jump had shocked her awake and with heart pounding from the adrenaline that flooded her veins, she sat and stared at him.
    “Jack,” she said again, her voice clear with concern.
    He was still disoriented, not fully awake. The dream was so real. He looked around. He had to force himself into the present, before he could respond. “It’s okay, Max. I was just having a bad

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