Jackie Draws A Straight: The Journey Series Book 5

Jackie Draws A Straight: The Journey Series Book 5 by Patricia Green Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Jackie Draws A Straight: The Journey Series Book 5 by Patricia Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Green
scissoring her legs, trying to mitigate the pain of her bright red rump. Her jeans and panties came off in the commotion, landing several feet away.
    "I'm sorry! Oh, God! I can't help it!"
    "You can help it. You can. You will." Gasps and moans were her response and the percussive beat of his hand on her butt was a martial cadence. "Are you going to cheat again?"
    "No! No sir! Please. I won't. I won't do it. Please stop."
    He delivered another six spanks, the last one on the perfect cross where her bottom and thighs met, just above that place his ragi ng erection wanted to explore. His hand was stinging furiously and he told himself that he'd have to use his belt the next time. Frustration swept over him as he realized that he couldn't think of next times. These were isolated incidents. It couldn't become a habit, though he was smart enough to realize that that's exactly what it was becoming.
    Jackie's tears wet the sofa, moistening his jeans as he sat down and took her in his arms . With her lower half exposed, h er lightly-furred mound was visible, and he tried with all his might not to look. Pete wanted to scream with frustration. "You're killing me, Jackie," he whispered against her hair. He didn't think she could hear him over her sobs and hiccoughs.
    He handed her a hankie from his back pocket and after a while she calmed. They snuggled and rocked and eventually, she fell asleep.

    Chapter 4
    Jackie was dazed, awakening to an insistent knock on Pete's front door. The doorbell rang in accompaniment.
    "Dr. Kaminsky! It's Ace Journey here!"
    Pete's eyes shot to Jackie. "Put your pants on," he said softly, then turned to the door. "On my way!"
    Moving as quick ly as she could, Jackie looked around on the floor for her jeans and squirmed into them. Her panties were nowhere to be found. Ace was going to have her head on a platter. Who knew what time it was and she hadn't called home. All her family knew was that she’d planned to have dinner in town.
    Pete smiled as he opened the door, and Ace stood there, his posture straight, unsmiling. "Good evenin', Doctor. I'm plumb sorry to come callin' so late at night." He offered his big hand. "Ace Journey."
    Pete shook with him and gestured for the tall man to enter. "Pete Kaminsky. Please come in."
    Ace spotted Jackie across the room and nodded to her, but turned back to Pete. "Wally at Carlos' told me I'd find Jackie here. I found her car in Carlos' parking lot and was a mite worried. " His gaze traveled back to his sister, and then his eyes darted down to a spot on the carpet a foot from her. It was her bright pink panties.
    Face flaming, Jackie scooped up the panties and quickly put them behind her back. Ace didn't miss it, however. His dark eyes met hers and exchanged a clear message, you're in trouble now, li'l girl .
    "You should have called home, Jackie," Ace told her.
    Pete spoke up. "I'm sorry. I should have reminded her. The time got away from us."
    Ace gave him a direct look. " Ain't your responsibility, Doc. Jackie's full grown."
    What could Pete say to that? Jackie certainly was full grown, and she knew it. "I'm sorry, Ace," she said. "I got carried away. I was havin ' a good time."
    "A real good time, by the looks of it," he responded with a frown. "Them's your panties in your hand, ain't they?"
    Oh no, his drawl was deep and thick. Jackie knew that spelled doom. "I…uh…"
    He turned to Pete. "I hope your intentions are honorable . We Journeys don't brook no disrespect of our women."
    Pete frowned a bit, but was undaunted. "Nothing happened here. She's my employee."
    Jackie thought that was putting quite a fine point on it. Ace was no country hick who was going to miss the evasion. "Pete and I…we were…" She sighed. There was nothing she could say. Her pa nties were in her hand. "Nothin' happened, Ace."
    His frown was deep. "We'll talk about it on the way home. Get your thin ' s." When he turned back to Pete, his frown hadn't eased . "I don't know what

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