Jaz's Warriors (Bondmates Book 2)

Jaz's Warriors (Bondmates Book 2) by Ann Mayburn Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Jaz's Warriors (Bondmates Book 2) by Ann Mayburn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Mayburn
had some reservations. While the explosive passion between them was amazing, she needed to know any man who was joining her family would be a good fit. She needed to know him on more than a physical level, but that would only come from their bond strengthening during sexual activities.
    Which meant she’d have to suffer through Tandar giving her a couple amazing orgasms before she gave him one in return.
    That certainly would be no hardship on her part; Tandar was absolutely delicious.
    Like a hot breeze, his passion began to filter into her mind, bringing with it hints of his soul.
    Raw hunger mixed with longing and a hint of worry…and fear. Not an unusual reaction for a Kadothian male. Lucky for him, she’d not only bonded twice already herself, but counseled new couples on how to smooth over cultural differences on a galaxy-wide scale. She didn’t judge Tandar for his worry or fear. Instead, she focused on his passion, coaxing him closer, luring him into her mind. His spirit tasted like water fresh from an outdoor hand-pump well, crisp and cool with a mineral bite that perfectly soothed her soul.
    She couldn’t help but sigh into his mouth, totally taken with how good he felt, how different he tasted from Mavet and Xentix, yet the same.
    All of a sudden, the image of all three of them pleasuring her filled her mind, thanks to her randy husband sending her the mental picture, and she shuddered with a harsh gasp. “That son of a bitch.”
    “Jaz? Is something wrong?”
    With a low growl, Tandar’s incisors grew and descended as he instantly went into protector mode then almost dropped her when her knees gave out.
    “Matriarch, please, tell me where the threat is coming from.”
    “Not a threat… Xentix ,” she hissed as her body electrified with pleasure. “Sneaky bugger always manages to get past my shields. He keeps sending me his fantasies about…”
    While she knew there was absolutely no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed, Kadothian culture had a very liberal view on sexuality compared to Earth, she still couldn’t bring herself to just blurt it out.
    Shutting down her shields tight between herself and her randy husbands, she said, “Um…future sleeping arrangements.”
    He studied her closely in the dim lighting, something resembling a jellyfish made of fire floating about the undulating blue kelp forest behind him. Sometime while they’d been kissing, the lights had lowered, leaving them in an enchanted underwater world.
    Licking his lips as if savoring her taste, he said, “I am confused.”
    Dang it, she was explaining this wrong.
    And she was a hypocrite.
    How many times had she urged the Earth women she mentored to leave behind the foolish things they’d learned about sex between anyone other than husband (singular) and wife being wrong? How many times had she sat down with a new Matriarch and her bondmates, explaining to the other woman how she shouldn’t be embarrassed to talk about sex with her men? How being honest was so important in all aspects of a marriage. And yet here she was, blushing and stuttering over talking about sex with a man she could see herself marrying.
    A good man, honest, brave and strong.
    Not many women on Earth could claim to have one husband in her life that was utterly devoted to her, let alone three.
    So she just had to suck it up and put her big-girl panties on, and push past her embarrassment. “Xentix was sending me suggestions about sexual positions we could try. All of us. You know, like really together. It’s hot.”
    Her voice came out squeaky, her words hurried, but she was proud she’d managed to force herself to say that at all.
    Tandar’s full lips curved into a sensual smile. “I have a few ideas of my own.”
    “I’m sure you do.” Gathering her thoughts, she tugged him over to one of the comfortable love seats in the center of the room. “Come, sit with me.”
    He did as she asked, his armor creaking softly as he pulled her

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