Jerusalem Man 02 - The Last Guardian

Jerusalem Man 02 - The Last Guardian by David Gemmell Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Jerusalem Man 02 - The Last Guardian by David Gemmell Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Gemmell
the stars gliding by.
    Two hours before dawn she woke Mary. 'Don't fall asleep, girl. You watch for any riders and wake me if you see them.' Then she lay down and fell into a dreamless sleep. It seemed to last for only a few moments before Mary was shaking her, but the sun was clearing the eastern horizon as Beth blinked and pushed one hand through her blonde hair.
    'Riders, Ma. I think it's the same men.' 'Get in the wagon. And remember what I told you.' Beth lifted the flintlock pistol and cocked both barrels; then she hid the gun once more in the folds of her skirt and scanned the group for sign of Harry. He wasn't with them. She took a deep breath and steadied herself as the horsemen thundered into the camp and the man she remembered as Quint leapt from the saddle.
    'Now, Missy,' he said. 'We'll have a little of what old Harry enjoyed.'
    Beth raised the flintlock. Quint stopped in his tracks. She loosed the first barrel and the ball took Quint just above his nose, ploughing through his skull. He fell back into the dust with blood pumping from a fatal wound in his head as Beth stepped forward.
    The sudden explosion had alarmed the horses and the four remaining riders fought to setde them as Quint's mount galloped out over the plain. In the silence that followed, the men glanced at one another. Beth's voice cut into them.
    'You whoresons have two choices: ride, or die. And make the choice fast. I start shooting when I stop speaking.' The gun rose and pointed at the nearest man. 'Whoa there, lady!' the rider shouted.
    'I'm leaving.' 'You can't take all of us, bitch!' shouted another, spurring his horse. But a tremendous explosion came from the wagon and the brigand was whipped from the saddle, half his head blown away.
    'Any other doubters?' asked Beth. 'Move!' The three survivors dragged on the reins and galloped away. Beth ran to the wagon, took her powder horn and reloaded the flintlock. Mary climbed down from the tailboard with the shortened rifle in her arms.
    'You did well, Mary,' said Beth, ramming home the wad over the ball and charge. 'I'm proud of you.'
    She took the rifle and leaned it against the wagon, then cradled the trembling child in her arms.
    'There, there. It's all right. Go and sit at the front; don't look at them.' Beth guided Mary to the driving platform and helped her up, then walked back to the bodies. Unbuckling Quint's pistol belt, she strapped it to her own waist and then searched the body for powder and ammunition.
    She found a small hide sack of caps and transferred them to the wagon, then took a second pistol from the other body and hid it behind the driver's seat. Scan McAdam had never been able to afford a revolving pistol; now they had two. Beth gathered the oxen, hitched them to the wagon and then walked to the brigand's horse, a bay mare, and pulled herself into the saddle.
    Awkwardly she rode alongside where Mary sat.
    'Take up the reins, child. And let's move.'
    Samuel clambered up beside Mary and grinned at his mother. 'You look just like a brigand, Ma.'
    Beth smiled back at him, then transferred her gaze to Mary who was sitting white-faced, staring ahead.
    'Take the reins, Mary, goddammit!' The girl flinched and unhooked them from the brake. 'Now let's go!' Mary flicked the reins and Beth rode up alongside the lead ox and whacked her palm across its rump.
    High above, the carrion birds had begun to circle.

    Nu-Khasisatra reached the old stone circle an hour before dawn. He waited, hidden in the trees, searching for any guards who might be patrolling here, but there were none that he could see.
    Under the bright moonlight he studied the words on the parchment, memorising them. Then, Stone in hand, he ran from the trees on to the open ground before the circle.
    At once there was a diin, piercing whistle. Shadows darted for him and a woman's voice cried out: 'Alive! Take him alive!'
    Nu sprinted for the stone circle, its tall grey slabs promising sanctuary. A reptilean

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