Jethro 3: No Place Like Home

Jethro 3: No Place Like Home by Chris Hechtl Read Free Book Online

Book: Jethro 3: No Place Like Home by Chris Hechtl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Hechtl
warranted. Anyone we want out of here in Pyrax, let me know. We'll see if we can get rid of some of the bad apples there.”
    The Chief nodded slowly. “I'm not sure about taking on unknown crew over people I least not if we're going into battle, ma'am.”
    “We'll have roughly a month in transit to work out the rough edges, Chief. Perfect is the enemy of good as the quote goes,” the Captain said.
    “Close enough,” Firefly replied.
    Renee snorted as she looked to the AI and then back to the Chief. “Besides, we'll worry about that when we get to Pyrax. We still have to convince Commander Logan to let us go,” Shelby replied. The other officers nodded grimly.
    ---( | ) --- ( | )---
    “They really don't know when to take a break do they?” Major Pendeckle asked as he entered the officer's wardroom for the morning report. He poured himself a cup of coffee as the Captain perused a passage on the report in front of her and twirled her spoon. The Major inhaled the fragrant smell of coffee. It was real coffee, sent up from Antigua as a thank you from a coffee plantation. Of course, the Captain had kept the best for her own use, which was why he rarely missed a morning briefing. He smiled inwardly. It was probably why the sneak had done so or at least one reason.
    “Who, your Marines?” Captain Mayweather asked idly, eyes twinkling as she set the spoon aside and sipped her cup of coffee. “I'd say no. Gung ho as ever. Probably more now that they've had a taste of real combat,” she teased.
    “For some it was a first taste. But for others like, oh a certain mostly Neo squad, it wasn't.”
    “Ah, them,” the Captain replied, nodding as her voice cooled.
    Firefly eyed the skipper and then the Marine officer. “Any issues?” he asked, knowing none had yet to be reported or observed.
    “No, except they are working too hard. They need downtime but can't handle it. I'm not certain how to get them downtime while we're in transit.”
    “Some VR?” Commander Logan suggested, entering the compartment. She went to the carafe and poured herself a cup of coffee. “Sorry, couldn't help but overhear,” she said over her shoulder.
    “That helps for some, but others use the VR for training. Training is all well and good, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. You peak too early. You can also become jittery. They are starting to feel normal when in combat or in simulated combat.”
    “Which is hell when they stand down. They don't know what to do with themselves. I understand now,” Firefly said thoughtfully.
    The two human officers turned inquiring looks to the AI. “Oh?” The skipper asked, taking another sip of coffee as her XO stirred sugar into hers.
    “It was an issue discussed during the war. Combat became the norm that some burned out—PTSD and several other psychological issues. Tense situations generate adrenaline in organics. To some it can become addictive. The let down afterward can be intensely depressing. Discipline issues can crop up as well as suicides or homicides.”
    “Ah, not something I'd like to have on my ship,” the Captain replied with moderate severity. “And the fix?”
    “A blow-out party tends to relieve tension. Get them to talk about the problems they faced in a social environment. Socialize on the ship before going into public sometimes heads off leave issues.”
    “A party,” the Major mused, rubbing his chin. “We have debriefs to help unload after combat. Just knowing someone is willing to listen helps a lot. But a party?”
    “Well, they've certainly earned it. Hell, we've all earned it,” Commander Logan said, coming over to take her seat at the table. She nodded politely to the Captain.
    “Earned what?” Doctor Standish asked, coming into the compartment.
    “A party.”
    “Oh boy, more hangovers to nurse? Now that we've got the implants and injured under control you want to stick that on us?”
    “Well, it wouldn't do to have you

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