“Thank you Jason.” Frank began to leave. “I have to go. I’ll stop by later. Jason, do you need a ride back?”
“No, thank you. I’m good.”
“Frank,” Dean called out. “I’ll need another.”
“Another what?”
“Killer Fetus.”
“Biting fetus.”
“Whatever, I need another. Can you get me one?”
“That will be easy. I can find them. Maybe he went back home.”
“Who?” Dean asked.
“Harry. Maybe he went back to the nest. I can ask the fetuses since they can spell now maybe they can talk.”
“Maybe,” Dean said. “Good luck let me know how that conversation turns out.”
“I will.” Frank reached for the door.
“Oh, Frank,” Jason stopped him. “Can I ask you something?”
“Who was Ronald Reagan?”
Frank stared at Jason for a moment, he stared very seriously. “Is that a trick question?”
“No, a serious one. Who was he?”
“It’s a test.”
“No, just a question.”
“Why? Don’t you know?”
“No, I know,” said Jason. “I want to see if you do.”
“A leadership thing. Huh?” Frank nodded.
“Exactly. Who was he?’
“Ronald Reagan,” Jason snapped, then quickly regained his composure.
“Oh.” Frank paused. “He was the fuckin president. Wait. He was the fuckin awesome president of the United States. Fuckin ended the cold war with a statement. Bring down that wall.”
Jason smiled. “And what of his psychic ability.”
“He had psychic ability?”
“You didn’t know about all his predictions?”
“No. He made them?”
“Wow, where was I?”
Jason rubbed his chin. “That’s what I’d like to know. Where were you about two hours ago?”
“Jason,” Frank snickered. “Ronald Reagan didn’t make predictions two hours ago.”
“I know. But where were you?”
“In the communications room.”
Jason turned to Dean. “Below ground. Who was with you?”
“A bunch of people.”
“Can you do me a favor and ask them if they know about Ronald Reagan’s predictions?’
“I can do that while I’m looking for Harry.”
“Good.” Jason patted him, on the back. “Good luck.”
“Thanks. See you guys tonight.” Frank opened the door and walked out.
The moment he left, Dean saw the look on Jason’s face. “What? What are you thinking?”
“Frank doesn’t know.”
“About Reagan?” Dean laughed. “It’s Frank.”
“Yes, think about it. Of all people Frank would be into that psychic shit about him.”
“So, what if... What if because of where he was he was immune to the time change.”
“Is that possible?”
“Possible, yes.”
“Ok. That would be cool. But before we make any determinations, we still have to remember,” Dean said. “That was Frank.”
He got coffee or a latte everyday along with a Danish, how his father accomplished this, Robbie didn’t know. But he was about to find out. Joe claimed he was quite versed at the invisi suit, and he gave Robbie instructions on what to do.
He sported the suit, but before he did. Robbie had to ask. He had to know.
Was Andrea aware?
Joe resounded with a strong, “hell no. I love my wife, but she drives me nuts. Do you honestly think that’s I’d hang around her all the time?”
“Do you hang around her at all?”
“Actually, not really, no.”
“Then how does she speak to you?”
“She doesn’t.” Joe replied. “I’ve been there, I’ve heard her have conversations. I’m not saying a word, she’s just whacked.”
“That’s just wrong, making her sound crazy.”
“She is and if you keep talking to me people will think you are, too.”
Robbie laughed as they rounded the bend in town. But as they did, he heard the slight whisper of disgust in the form of the word ‘Christ’ come from his father. Robbie looked back, of course he wasn’t going to see Joe, he was in the invisible suit. Another whisper another word, ‘Frank’, made Robbie look back toward
Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, June Scobee Rodgers