
Juicy by Pepper Pace Read Free Book Online

Book: Juicy by Pepper Pace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pepper Pace
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Urban
just swapped it out that day and hadn't put too many personal items in it. Her wallet was the biggie but...it was really not the most important thing on Juicy's mind right now.

When they were around back she headed for a small window next to a metal utility door. She pushed it open and reached inside stretching to the fullest capacity until she had unlatched the door from the inside. Troy caught on and opened the door. She explained when she noticed Troy's confused expression.

"You see, I'm always locking myself out of my place; losing my key, having it stolen by an asshole boyfriend. So I stashed a spare down in the basement."

With only the dim light from an exit sign, Juicy sure footedly headed for a rickety metal shelf holding old tools, paint supplies and knick knacks. She lifted a can of paint that had to have been twenty years old. Beneath it was a gleaming key.

She gripped it in both hands and grinned at Troy. He thought she looked like a demented Cheshire cat but he smiled happily along with her.

She led them up the back stairs quickly and they were in her apartment a minute later.

Troy crossed the threshold slowly. He had never seen someone's home look so much like them. This apartment was Juicy if Juicy was walls a floor and...a giant palm leaf ceiling fan!

Troy stepped inside closing the door silently behind him. Juicy had swept inside kicking off her flip flops, flicking on the light switch and almost running to, what he assumed, was the bathroom.

"I'll be right out Troy. WHEW! I really gotta go! Make yourself at home!" She had a lot of animal print in her apartment. There was a faux zebra print rug in front of a black fur love seat which was opposite a red plush chair and ottoman.

Her home was spotless. Prints of African American scenes covered her walls. There was a bushman spearing a tiger, a momma holding a baby with corkscrewed dredlocks, a man's form folded artfully against a woman's.

Troy inhaled. It smelled good in here, too, like cherry candles. She had a nice size t.v. in a mahogany wood entertainment cabinet. Troy looked at some of the books and cd's she had there. She read a lot, mostly fiction but some autobiographies and medical reference books. He scanned the titles; Reflexology, Art of massage, and many books on hair.

Juicy came back into the room and Troy turned quickly, suddenly feeling really uncomfortable. It was time to go. He needed to go. He walked purposefully to the door.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Uhm," His lip and jaw twitched and then his eye followed suit. Juicy almost took a step back. What the hell was wrong with him now? "...it's dark. I better get back."

"Well I was going to give you some money for a cab-"

Troy was shaking his head. He shoved his hands in his pocket. "I wouldn't spend good money on a cab. I'm just going to take a bus-" His hand was reaching for the door knob.

Juicy put her hand on her hip in confusion. "Well Troy...this time of night buses run down our street every hour and a half...so you're going to be out there a long time." She sighed. "Look, come in, get comfortable. I'm going to make us something to eat..." When he didn't move Juicy gripped his wrist and physically led him into the living room.

Troy sat heavily on the black fur couch while Juicy picked up the remote and turned on the TV.

"Here's the remote. Watch some cable...and I'm going to change out of these clothes. If you want anything from the kitchen, help yourself." Juicy left the room calling after her. "Don't leave. I might be a minute."

She wanted a long hot bath but was afraid that Troy might sneak out before she made sure that he had money and a full stomach. Because he had taken such good care of her she found that she now felt protective of him. She would have to settle for a quick shower.

Juicy stripped out of the ill fitting clothes. She liked Troy but she did lock the bathroom door first. She then stepped in front of her mirror with her breath held. She didn't remember

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