Just for the Summer

Just for the Summer by Jenna Rutland Read Free Book Online

Book: Just for the Summer by Jenna Rutland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Rutland
Tags: Lake Bliss#1
before he returned his attention to
     his fan club.
    Rachel nudged Dani’s arm. “So what do you think about our sheriff?”
    “I think he’s full of…himself. But he has a sense of humor. Seems to be a good father.”
    “You can add honorable, sensitive, and well respected in the community to the equation.
     Quite a catch.”
    Dani chuckled. “The only thing I want to catch this summer is maybe a few fish if
     I have time before I leave.”
    One of the women in the gaggle around the grills laughed at something Jack said. Dani
     didn’t fault the woman her attention. Jack’s dark features and five o’clock shadow
     gave him a slightly dangerous look, but he wore khaki cargo shorts that rode low on
     his narrow hips and gave him the look of a good ol’ boy who sometimes liked to get
     into a little trouble. What was in the Lake Bliss water that created these impossibly
     handsome men? Had he not been standing next to Matt, he’d certainly be the sexiest
     man in Michigan.
    If she stared much longer, she’d probably get caught. She shifted her attention to
     Rachel. “What’s Jack’s story?”
    Rachel shrugged. “Nurse slash carpenter. He loves remodeling. He bought these bungalows
     a few months ago. On his days off, he’s either busy with renovations here or he works
     on his house on the other side of the lake. When he’s finished, his home will be spectacular.”
    Jack pointed at one of the ladies and said something that prompted a coy look in response.
     Next to him, Matt shook his head and looked up, right at Dani. She turned to Rachel.
     “From the way he’s charming those women, I imagine he’s single.”
    “About as single as a guy can get. Claims he’s in a no-dating phase. Jack thinks women
     only view him—and I quote—as a baby-making machine.”
    “So, what’s the deal with you and Dani Sullivan?” Jack asked as the last female guest
     trailed away. “You’re hitting on her, and she’s barely been here a week. I thought
     you weren’t interested in the casual thing anymore.”
    Matt raised the lid on his grill. “When have I ever done casual? You’re the one who
     has commitment issues.”
    “False. I just want to be loved for more than my sperm. When and if that happens,
     I’ll commit.” He opened a package of hamburger buns. “And you still haven’t answered
     my question—what’s between you two?”
    “Nothing. I already told you about her visit to my office, and the way she reassured
     Sam about his blood test.”
    “Why didn’t you come to me if you had questions?”
    “She’s a cuter nurse than you.”
    Jack cast another glance in Dani’s direction. “So, explain the wink.”
    “Just having a little fun. She’s got a smart mouth, and she’s fun to pester.” The
     fact that he’d like to do a whole lot more tried to worm its way into his head. What
     was the antidrug slogan at all the schools?
    Just say no.
    “Dude, I’ve known you since kindergarten. How many times over the years have you shared
     your idea of the perfect woman? Stacked, short, and brunette—in that order. Seems
     my new guest matches the description to a T.” He plopped some burgers onto buns, placed
     them on a platter. “Although I’ve never figured out the ‘short’ part.”
    Matt peered through the rising smoke and caught a glimpse of Dani. She wore the denim
     skirt again. “That would be where the macho crap comes into play.” When she crossed
     her legs, the skirt hiked up a notch, and his body reminded him he was a man. A lonely
     man. “I have this fantasy about being able to pick up a woman and carry her to the
    Jack reached out with his tongs to turn a hot dog. “Definitely caveman material.”
     He winced. “Are we getting in touch with our feminine side? ’Cause I’m not sure we’ve
     ever had this kind of conversation.”
    Matt ignored Jack’s sarcasm. “Not that I plan to do this with Ms. Sullivan, but you
     know what I’ve always

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