Kade: Santanas Cuervo MC

Kade: Santanas Cuervo MC by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Kade: Santanas Cuervo MC by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
land anymore.”
    “Where did the bullet hit?” Big Dick asked, looking at the truck, trying to see a hole.
    Greg and the rest of the crew looked the truck over. “This is probably it,” one of the men said, pointing at a slight dent in the front wheel.
    Big Dick looked at the dent, then eyeballed where the sound of the shot came from in relation to where everyone was standing. “It looks like they were shooting at you, Winter. Weren’t you standing about here?” he asked as he pointed at a spot on the ground.
    “Yeah, I guess,” she nodded, watching her Jeep bumble around out in the brush.
    “As soon as Duck gets back, we need to get you out of here.”
    “Why? You said yourself you saw the dust cloud as they left.”
    “That may have not been them.”
    “They’re not shooting anymore and, if they’re out there, Duck will probably flush them out, right? Since I’m here, I want to stay and see what Steve has to say about replacing the hose.”
    Big Dick thought a moment then nodded his head. “Okay, so long as Duck doesn’t find anything.”
    Winter nodded in agreement. “I’m not too keen on being shot at again, so anything you want me to do, Big Dick, I’m all in.”
    Big Dick chuckled as he shielded his eyes, watching Winter’s bright yellow Jeep.
    Fifteen minutes later, Duck returned.
    “What did you find?” Big Dick asked.
    “Just some tracks. I don’t know if they were our guy or not, but where they stopped, I found these.” He held up two shell casings.
    Greg took one. “30.06?”
    “That’s what it looks like to me,” Big Dick said, taking the other. “How the hell did they get in so close?”
    “They weren’t close. They were at least five hundred yards away. I could see the thumpers, but I couldn’t see you at all. It’s probably why they missed.”
    “Why didn’t we see their dust?” Big Dick asked, handing Duck the shell casing.
    “Moving slow, I guess. I don’t know. I guess they didn’t think they could get in any closer without being spotted.”
    “This makes no sense,” Big Dick growled, then nudged Duck and nodded at a dust cloud in the distance. “Winter, get on the other side of the thumper,” he said as he pulled his weapon again and moved to crouch behind the rear wheel of the first truck.
    “Everyone, get on the other side of the trucks,” Duck said as he pulled his own weapon and crouched behind the front tire.
    They stayed in position, weapons at the ready as the snorting and growling service truck fought its way toward the thumpers then stopped. A man stepped out then froze when he saw Duck and Big Dick, their weapons out and pointed at him.
    “What’s going on here? Who are you?” he demanded.
    Greg stepped around the front of the thumper. “It’s Steve,” he said to Duck then turned his attention back to the service man. “You just missed the excitement. Somebody was shooting at us.”
    “Who are they?” Steve asked, nodding at Big Dick and Duck as they holstered their weapons.
    “That’s Pete and Everly. They’re here to protect Winter.”
    “From who?”
    “Don’t know. But after what just happened, I think it’s a good idea.”
    “Which one?” Steve asked.
    “Number three.”
    Steve shook his head as he walked toward the third truck. “I don’t know what this world is coming to. We’re out here busting out ass so they can put gas in their cars, and they’re shooting at us.”
    “What do you think, Steve? How long to fix?” Winter asked, forcing herself to focus.
    Steve crouched under the truck and tugged on the hoses. “Not long. I’ll have to figure out which one is split then make up the hose, so maybe an hour. Longer if someone starts shooting at us again.”
    Winter nodded. “Thanks, Steve, for getting this done so quickly.”
    Steven crawled out from under the truck. “No

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