Kailani & Bishop: A Case of the Exes

Kailani & Bishop: A Case of the Exes by B. Love Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Kailani & Bishop: A Case of the Exes by B. Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. Love
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Urban
was sex, he could have gotten that from Ashley or just been straight forward with me since he was honest and open. I should have known I couldn’t trust him. I couldn’t blame him, though. I allowed him to play me. I gave in. I wanted to trust him. I wanted to feel him. This was all on me.
    I’d been telling myself that all day, but it was hard for me to believe it. After I told him what happened between Courtney and me, I just couldn’t believe he was such a dog ass nigga that he’d hurt me like this. As much as I wanted to take it as a loss and let him go, I wanted answers. I wanted an explanation. I wanted him to look me in my face and tell me that he played me. At least be a man about it and take responsibility for it. I could respect a man for that. I hated liars. That was so childish to me. If he was going to bold enough to do it, he should’ve been bold enough to own up to it. I hated cowards.
    I planned on giving him until tomorrow to reach out to me and explain himself. Until he did, I was going to try and forget he ever existed and I was starting that by going and getting me a plan B pill.
    In the meantime, Lay was supposed to meet me at Rell’s studio so I could record a song. I hadn’t been in the studio since I was nineteen. I’d stopped rapping and focused on my poetry because it was a better way for me to express myself, but I hadn’t been doing that lately either. When I got there and saw that she wasn’t there, I was pissed. I could’ve still been at home chilling, but I’d gotten dressed and drove almost thirty minutes to get here and her inconsiderate ass couldn’t even call me and let me know that she wasn’t going to be able to come.
    I guessed Rell was tired of me pacing in front of his studio because after I’d called her for the fourth time and gotten no answer, he opened the door and peeked his head out in the hallway.
    “You coming in anytime soon or nah?” he asked with a smile.
    As mad as I was, his demeanor was so chill that I immediately released my tense shoulders and relaxed a little.
    “Honestly, I was about to leave. Lay was supposed to meet me here, but her ass ain’t picking up the phone. Have you talked to her?”
    “Not since I left this morning. You can come in and drop without her. You know that, right?”
    Wrapping my hand around my elbow and pulling my arms over my stomach, I thought about being with Rell alone in the studio. I’d never been attracted to him physically. Not that he wasn’t attractive. Rell was a very attractive man. He was the same color as me with shoulder length dreads, chocolate brown eyes that naturally looked like he was always high and blunt brown lips. We were the same height when I had my heels on and he was skinny built; not too buff but his muscles were definitely cut. Lord, don’t get me started on that V cut six pack. What scared me about Rell was his mental. I’d already come to the realization that he was the perfect mix of all the men I adored and that kept me from ever being alone with him. Even before Bishop came in the picture, I’d vowed to never be alone with him on the strength of my loyalty towards and friendship with Layyah.
    As much as I wanted to get back in the studio, I wasn’t sure if now was the right time.
    “Kai,” he said, bringing me out of my trance.
    “I said you can still drop something.”
    “Uh, okay.”
    Slowly, I walked past him and into the smoke-filled studio. His Givenchy cologne was still intoxicating even though his clothes reeked of weed. When I walked past him, I couldn’t help but see him looking me up and down out the corner of his eye. Maybe I was seeing things. Maybe I was seeing what I thought I wanted to see. I don’t know, but I was starting to regret my outfit. I was wearing a pair of high waist leggings and a white crop top. I had on a chunky gold necklace, big hoops, and a pair of gold sandals. After removing my gold cross body purse, I turned to face him. He

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