Kathlyn Trent, Marcus Burton 01 - Valley of the Shadow

Kathlyn Trent, Marcus Burton 01 - Valley of the Shadow by Kathryn Le Veque Read Free Book Online

Book: Kathlyn Trent, Marcus Burton 01 - Valley of the Shadow by Kathryn Le Veque Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Le Veque
Tags: adventure, Romance, Fantasy, Contemporary, Paranormal, Mystery, romantic suspense
about. They were all credible scientists, maybe more than most, but Kathlyn Trent had a sixth sense about these things that they believed in, no doubt about it.  They'd seen it in action for years and knew that she could feel what others couldn't. She called it Intuition; any other label upset her. She didn't like the word clairvoyant, or psychic, or anything else along those lines. Good old Intuition was all she would admit to.
    "Did you get the feeling again?" Otis asked.
    She nodded slowly. "Big time."
    They all looked at her. "Where?" Mark asked.
    "East valley, right at the entrance,” she said. “It was really strong, but I couldn't say anything because Burton was there and he'd think I'd lost my mind."
    Juliana and Mark looked at each other. "Then we need to go back over there without him around," Juliana said firmly. "You need to have a clear field to do your work."
    "Let's do it now," Mark stood up, quickly. "The moon is bright, but we'll bring a couple of flashlights. But what about getting in? The gate must be locked."
    "There are security guards," Kathlyn said. "Tell them we're with Burton. They saw me there with him last night. They should let us in."
    The five of them headed over to the west valley. The moon seemed a little brighter this night, casting the barren hills in silver light. It was stark and eerie as they marched down the road toward the east valley, but any creepiness was overshadowed by their sense of anticipation. The security guards saw them coming and pointed their guns at them. It took quick talking by Mark to keep them from getting shot on sight.
    But getting them into the valley proved to be more difficult. After a good deal of negotiation, in which Kathlyn promised them both the equivalent of twenty American dollars and two cases of Coors Light beer, the guards finally relented and opened the gate. Once inside, they locked them in, which gave the group a rather disturbing feeling.
    "I feel like they just shut the door on the Lion's Den," Otis muttered. 
    Their trek was slower from that point. Their boots made soft crunching noises on the concrete path, echoing off the hills. They were all enthralled with the sight and presence of the Valley of the Kings, sunlit or not.  KV2 came up immediately, which Kathlyn pointed out.  It yawned at them like a great, dark, open mouth. Just west of that, she paused and gazed up at the steep hillside.
    "This is it," she said softly, as if afraid of offending the ghosts with the intrusion of her voice. "This is where I feel the strongest."
    They stood there in silence.  Ed and Otis looked around, looking at the rock samples, studying the slope of the hill. Otis jotted down a few notes. Kathlyn stood still a moment, centering herself, before beginning to slowly retracing her steps back toward the gate. Turning around before she reached the locked grate, she wandered back within several yards of them. She suddenly stopped, eyes closed, and lowered her head.
    They called it The State. She always went into The State when she was doing her work. This is what people paid her for. Juliana and Mark wait for what she would say next, remembering the details between them for later recall.  It wasn't exactly a trance because she was very conscious of her surroundings. If you asked her a question, she would immediately answer. But whatever she was feeling, the energy she was pulling, fed every sense and every emotion.
    "There's a great deal of flow here," she said, sweeping her hands in a forward motion. "It's like a river, moving past me, pulling me along."
    "Pulling you where?" Juliana asked quietly.
    She moved forward, haltingly. "I sense a great deal of sorrow here, a feeling of great pain."
    "Kat, where is it taking you?"
    The moonlight shone down upon her white clothing, creating an eerie, ghost-like effect. She wandered up to the slope, eyes intermittently closed, until she stepped up onto the hill.  The grade was steep and she couldn't take more than a step

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