Keeper of the Stone

Keeper of the Stone by Lynn Wood Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Keeper of the Stone by Lynn Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Wood
queen nodded, smiling at her disgruntled tone. Her eyes widened in surprise as the amulet grew bright against Rhiann’s skin.  The cold dead stone was suddenly alive with new light, taking on a rich emerald color.  “Does it take on the color of your gown or your eyes?”
    Rhiann shrugged.  “I cannot be certain.  It was always gold when my mother wore it and her eyes were green as well, red in my grandmother’s possession and her eyes are dark.  The stone chooses the color it takes on when a new owner takes possession.”
    “Fascinating.  Is it magic then?” The queen’s rapt attention remained on the stone.
    Rhiann smiled sadly.  “If it was magic I would surely not find myself in my current predicament.”
    The queen met her glance and nodded her understanding.  “I suppose not.”
    “Well Nathan? Have you considered my proposition?” The king interjected and Rhiann was glad to be distracted from any further discussion about the stone or her family.  The king’s attention was focused further down the table.  Rhiann turned to follow his gaze.  The man was apparently waiting for her to look his way because he immediately captured her glance with his intent blue one as soon as she turned to him.
    He was younger than most of the other knights in the room and richly garbed.  The deep blue of his garment accented the lighter blue of his eyes.  He was tan from long hours spent laboring in the sun, but his sharply etched features were unscarred. There were gold streaks in his light brown, shoulder length hair that was secured away from his face with a leather tie.  She could not tell his height as he was seated at the table but his shoulders were broad and unbowed.  She suspected the hands resting in a deceptively mild fashion in front of him held the strength to crush her own slender form between them.  She could not hold his intense regard for long and quickly lowered her gaze to where her own hands were clasped nervously in her lap as she followed his response to the king’s query.
    “Yes, sire.”
    “And you are content with my gift to you?” The king spoke in riddles and by the startled reaction of the others around the table Rhiann was not the only one to think so.
    “More than content, sire.  I find myself deeply in your debt.” Rhiann detected a thread of amusement in the man’s deep voice as he reassured his overlord.  He was obviously on good terms with the new king.  This Nathan understood his place in the new order and was obviously content with it. Rhiann heaved a silent sigh.  Perhaps one day she would know such contentment again.
    “Good, then as we discussed, the wedding will be held tomorrow evening in the new abbey.”
    There was a surprised murmuring around the table and Rhiann was uncomfortably aware of the attention suddenly focused on her.  She raised startled eyes to the stranger’s face.  “You are to be wed on the morrow, my lord?”
    His amused smile revealed straight, white teeth and made him appear less intimidating than before.  “Yes, my lady.”
    Rhiann glanced suspiciously from the stranger back to the king, who seemed equally amused by her question, as if the two shared some private joke.  Rhiann could not help but notice the queen was regarding her sympathetically.  In a near panic she turned back to the Norman knight with the light blue eyes.
    “Your betrothed is traveling from Normandy for the ceremony?”
    His grin widened at her attempt at self-deception.  “There is no need.  My betrothed is already in London.  She arrived earlier this afternoon.”
    Rhiann shook her head in denial as the truth sank in. Perhaps he was playing some cruel game with her.  She turned pleading eyes to the king.  “Surely, sire, you cannot mean to… you would not…”
    When words failed her the king reached across the table to pat her hand reassuringly. “Nathan will make you a fine husband, my dear.  There is no need for the fear I see in your

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