
Kendra by Kandie Stixx Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Kendra by Kandie Stixx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kandie Stixx
with my boss’s brother.”
    Her hand stilled over the glass and she bit her bottom lip. This little reaction made him wonder where his confident little minx had gone.
    “I shouldn’t be here.”
    She pushed up out of the booth and shoved her way through the throng of people toward the door. Chad was out of the booth before he knew what he was doing and going after her. Once he got outside, he saw her standing against the wall, looking down at her shoes.
    She looked up at him, her eyes glittering with unshed tears.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “A lot…the most important being I don't want to go home right now.”
    “Come on,” he said, holding his hand out for her. “My place is close by.”
    The thought of Kendra in his place, excited him more than it should have. She would be the first woman to see it since Selina left him for Rafe.

Chapter Six
    After months of sleeping around with her usual four guys, never has she had to worry about them ever meeting. Why had she gone outside of that circle and slept with the hot bartender? Of all people, he had to be related to Chad.
    “Do you want a drink?” he called out from the kitchen. Chad’s apartment was pristine, almost as if no one lived here. He had a large entertainment system mounted on the wall with a slate grey L shaped couch in front of it. A gaming console was attached and lay in a clear drawer beside the TV.
    She took a seat on the couch and relaxed into the softness. Somehow, she was nervous although she knew she was safe with Chad. The scene with Jack before the bar had her on edge still…and then Raphael…god…she hadn’t even asked his name. Chad appeared a few moments later with two glasses of wine. White wine. Good choice considering how clumsy she was and his white carpet looked like the perfect disaster zone for her.
    “Why didn't you want to go home?”
    He took a seat next to her but not too close and turned so he could look at her. She sat on the edge of the seat and looked down into the wine debating whether it was a good time to tell him everything. He was still her boss.
    “My flatmate is in a mood,” she said. “He’s never really been mean to me before so I kinda high tailed it out of there without my bag.”
    Which meant she was stuck here.
    “Fair enough. You’re welcome to stay here for as long as you need. As you can see, there’s a lot of room unfilled.”
    Taking a sip of the wine, she was delighted to discover it wasn’t bitter like most wines were but soft and sweet on her tongue.
    “I told you…I don’t want a relationship with you…you know I fucked your brother now…you can’t still want me after that.”
    “Have you met my brother?” he smiled. “He’s not exactly in it for the relationships either.”
    “But you are?”
    “I just got divorced…I don’t want to commit to anything at all to be honest.”
    “So…what is it you want to talk about? You said ground rules.”
    The wine was getting even more delicious the more she drank. Was that even possible?
    “I need to know what you are in to…what do you like?”
    “Constant sex…mostly in scenarios where I can get caught…”
    “Oh…I’ve picked up on that much.”
    Smiling at his comment, she continued. “I’ve had boyfriends before but…I really don’t want more than sex…my job takes up most of my time…or it did…now all I want is to do my job properly and have as much guilt-free sex as possible.”
    She took a deep breath, waiting for him to answer. Was he going to kick her out for being a slut? Ever since she could remember, she had wanted to do things her way and never be tied down to one thing. That was partially the reason why she didn’t do so well in school. She hated group projects and hardly ever participated.
    “That’s easy…why are you so nervous about that?”
    “Most guys judge me for that.”
    “You may not be like all the other girls I’ve been with, and I’m not like any other guy

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