Kiss and Tell
arced to every extremity, then pooled hot and thick, low in her belly.
    He opened smoky, unreadable eyes, his expression closed. Arms folded, Jake Dolan stood absolutely rigid under her tactile exploration. Color darkened his high cheekbones. A small muscle jerked in his jaw.
    Stubborn man.
    Feeling bold and reckless, Marnie ran her hands over the taut muscle of his forearms. Crisp dark hair tantalized her fingertips. His skin felt sizzling hot to her touch; his life force pulsed beneath the surface.
    She stood on her tiptoes and slid her arms around his neck. With his arms folded, his elbows jabbed into her chest. For a moment she thought he was going to push her away.
    She stiffened, tightening her fingers instinctively in his long hair. "One kiss," she begged, her voice husky, heated, hungry. "If it's lousy, we'll call it quits."
    There was a long pause. "This is a cosmic joke," he managed grimly. "It won't be lousy."
    With agonizing slowness Jake unfolded his arms. His massive hands moved with reluctance to palm her shoulders, then gingerly slid down her back to cup her behind. Marnie closed her eyes in relief as he pressed her body against his. His groan vibrated through her bones.
    Oh, God . Liquid heat shimmered through her veins. She wrapped one leg around his to pull him even closer. His thigh muscle flexed and bunched against her, and she almost climbed his body to get their mouths and body parts aligned correctly. She wanted his sexy mouth on her.
    All over her.
    She wanted his big hands on her.
    All over her.
    She wanted his large body pinning her to the thin mattress across the room, moving with intensity and heat until neither of them could move.
    Dizziness rocked her as strong hands lifted her in one easy movement. She clung to his neck, then found herself perched on the edge of the breakfast bar, her knees straddling his hips. The Formica felt cold under her behind. His erection pressed hot and eager against the juncture of her thighs through the soft fleece sweatpants. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer.
    Without giving her time to think, Jake captured her mouth in a kiss so deep, so carnal, she forgot to breathe. She made a sound, a soft murmur of surrender, and slid her tongue against his, pushing him for more, terrified he'd refuse, scared out of her wits that he'd accept.
    The pounding of the rain on the roof became the thick, syrupy throb of her heartbeat. The scent of the fire became the rich scent of Jake's skin. She tasted his need on her tongue, his desire in the fierce grip of his fingers on her bottom.
    Her skin was on fire. Her lips tingled. She couldn't seem to get close enough. She had to feel his bare skin, and yanked up the hem of his sweatshirt with determined hands.
    She ran her palms over his chest. Hot satin, overlaid with crisp dark hair. Pebble-hard nipples. Rigid stomach muscles jerked in response as her exploration slid lower.
    One large hand shifted from her behind to her breast. Her nipples ached. She pressed her chest against his, trapping his hand, making the pressure harder. Unbearable.
    He nudged her back a little, just enough. His fingers found her nipple through the fleece. He squeezed to just this side of pain, then captured her cry against his damp neck. Marnie panted. She managed to get the top button of his fly undone and blindly sought the tiny zipper tab.
    He shifted. For a few seconds they were separated – just enough time for Marnie to suddenly think: What on earth am I doing?
    Their eyes met.
    For a split second she caught a glimpse of heat in his eyes. Then Jake banked the flame and broke out of her embrace.
    Marnie felt a hot blush rise from her toes to her nose.
    It took a moment for her eyes to focus and her brain to function. Bewildered, she looked up to find him watching her. His heavy-lidded eyes held a strange desperation as he reached back and unhooked the vice of her ankles from around his waist.
    Her legs dropped. Her heels thumped

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