
Knight by RA. Gil Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Knight by RA. Gil Read Free Book Online
Authors: RA. Gil
asked for my help.” She muttered. “Are you hungry, though? Have you eaten anything?”
    “A kind woman gave me food this morning.” Seraphina replied. “I'm really sorry. I wouldn't have asked for your help if I didn't need it.”
    “No. No one else would've understood you if you asked them.”
    She nodded. “And I thank you very much for what you've done today, for helping me hunt those demons down and buying me that treat. I'll try not to rely on you when I need to find them shall I have to do it later on.” She then flashed her a grateful smile.
    “I can't believe I'm saying this but . . . let me know if you need help.”
    They shared a genuine smile.             
    She sensed Seraphina watching her as they continued to travel down the same path.
    “How were you able to predict that the demon was coming from behind me?”
    Valeriana didn't know the answer herself. “I just . . . knew, I guess.”
    “Perhaps my hunch is right.”
    “What hunch?”
    “Your sensitivity.” She told her. “You can sense demonic presence.”
    “I can  what ?” The girl turned towards her, unable to believe what she just heard. “Maybe you're just exaggerating things. That's impossible.”
    “Believe me, Valeriana. You are far from what you consider  normal .” Seraphina made special emphasis on the last word as she watched Valeriana walk away from her with a heavy sigh, walking through a row of trees that led to a grassy field. “Listen, seeing and hearing demons is not something humans can typically do.”
    Suddenly, the lady knight stopped. Her expression turned hard and her body went rigid. “Valeriana, you have to go.”
    “Hide somewhere. Now. Better yet, go somewhere else.”
    “Is it another demon? Where is it?”
    “Just do it!”
    “Alright, um . . .” She spun around and walked ahead when she suddenly collided with a hard chest. Staggering back, she looked up and met chocolate brown eyes boring into her own.
    This man was similar to Seraphina in a lot of ways. The same style of uniform, but of different color. He had light-brown hair with a matching pair of eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. His gaze was sharp and cold, like it saw right into her soul.
    Valeriana jumped and stepped back.
    “Celeste Emmett? What are you doing here?” Seraphina asked, stiffening when the said man took a step forward.
    “On a mission myself. A new batch of demons descended.”
    What in the world is going on?  Valeriana asked mentally.
    Emmett narrowed his eyes as he stared down Valeriana. “Do you know this girl, Celeste?”
    “What are you talking about?” The face the lady knight had on her face was stoic and devoid of emotions. “I don't know her at all.”
    “What?” Valeriana turned towards Seraphina with wide, confused eyes.
    “I was just asking her about important matters.”
    “Is that so?” His face held suspicion. “I saw a small demon around this park. I was chasing it down since a while ago.” He then turned towards Valeriana, raising his voice purposely. “Perhaps you saw it?”
    She looked at Seraphina, who gave her a pointed look.
    Valeriana did not know what to say. Seeing how this man was looking at her, she was starting to panic. So instead, she laughed. “Haha! That's ridiculous!”
    “Quit bothering the girl. She doesn't know anything.”
    “Do you take me as a fool? I heard you talking to her.”
    Seraphina mentally berated herself.
    “And you're saying she can see demons?” He continued to advance, causing the two to walk backwards even further. “If Lord Aeron knew about this, he will—”
    “If you're planning to tell the Court Leader, I cannot allow it.” She stepped forward and pushed the girl protectively behind her.
    “You don't know what you're doing. The Court must know. We have to take her back with us.”
    “No.” The lady knight ushered the girl away forcefully before running forward herself with her weapon drawn. “Valeriana,

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