
Knockdown by Brenda Beem Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Knockdown by Brenda Beem Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Beem
stern and the bow. He held onto the frame of the canvas cover.
    Cole squared his shoulders. “First thing, w e will be in the open ocean in a few hours. Everyone who comes up from the cabin from now on needs to wear a life jacket.” He pointed to the stack on the floor.
    “Second, we are living in close quarters. No matter how angry we get, we cannot threaten or harm a fellow shipmate.”
    Jervis glared at Dylan.
    Dylan shrugged.
    Cole faced Jervis. “The tsunami is going to hit in ten hours. We have to sail all night. My brother’s hurt and I need his help.”
    Dylan piped in, “I’m fine.”
    Cole held up his hand. “The point I’m trying to make is that we can’t afford to have anyone injured. ” He pointed at Jervis. “No matter what, Dylan and I are in charge of the boat. What we say goes. Are you good with that?”
    Jervis bit his lip and nodded.
    “Dyl an, this is not your boat. It’s our parents’ boat and now home for all of us.” Cole gripped the wheel. “If things go well, we are going to be together for a long time. Are you okay with Angelina and Makala on board?”
    “What?” Dylan seemed totally surprised. He turned to Angelina. “At first I couldn’t believe that Toni would ask people we don’t even know to come with us, but I’m fine with having you on board.”
    “Good.” Cole glanced at Angelina and back to Dylan. “What about you and Jervis? Can you two get along?”
    Dylan nodded and took the ice pack off his nose. His nose and eyes were turning black and blue. “Jervis? We good?” he asked.
    Jervis grimaced at Dylan’s bruising. “Yeah.”
    “Okay.” Cole rubbed his eyes. “Now everyone pick out a lifejacket.”
    We were quiet as we hunted through the pile. T he boat came with a six-pack of orange vests we’d never opened. Dad and my brothers had vests that looked like puffy suspenders. Mom and I liked the more traditional style, but thinner. Mine was pink and Mom’s was red. 
    Cole, Dylan, and Nick put on the racing vests.
    Holding my pink vest in the air, I paused and thought for a moment. “I think this is the smallest one we have.” I handed it to Angelina.
    It came to Makala’s knees. W hen she tried to sit, it pushed her arms up over her head. Makala giggled, but clearly it wouldn’t work.
    Angelina examined the vest. “If I unstitch the bottom, take ou t about six inches of foam, then sew it back together, I can get it to fit her. Do you have a sewing kit?”
    I searched in the bath room. No sewing kit. I was headed back up top, when I passed by a low storage locker next to the galley. Dad kept flashlights and tools in the cupboard. I grinned.
    “How about this? ” I held up my find.
    “Duct tape!” Angelina smiled. “Perfect.”
    I handed her the tape and a pair of scissors. She grinned and went to work removing the stitches in the pink vest.
    Takumi put on one of the vests the guys had scrounged from another boat. It was teal blue and a little girly, but fit well. Zoë put on the other teal vest, threw an orange one at Angelina, and it was Jervis’ turn.
    Jervis could only get one arm in a regular vest. He shrugged and tossed it aside.
    “Here .” Dylan sighed. “Try this.” He handed Jervis his racing vest.
    “Thanks. ” Jervis examined it.
    Dylan nodded.
    “Didn’t mean to break your nose.” Jervis expanded the belt and the vest fit.
    “We’re good.” Dylan reached into the life jacket pile and grabbed one. Using it as a pillow, he lay back, and put the ice pack on his nose.
    “Okay.” Cole gathered the leftover vests in his arms. “I’m going below to take a nap. It’s going to be a long night. Nick, you have the helm. Just follow the coast line and watch our depth.”
    Cole disappeared below. Takumi and Zoë took out their cell phones. Angelina, Makala, and I basked in the late afternoon sun. A loud bark startled me. I sat up and searched the water. Up ahead a marker buoy floated, and on its small platform, a gray-faced sea lion

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