La Luxure: Discover Your Blood Lust

La Luxure: Discover Your Blood Lust by Cd Hussey Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: La Luxure: Discover Your Blood Lust by Cd Hussey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cd Hussey
Tags: Romántica, vampire romance, New Orleans, vampire series, sanguinarian, real vampire, vampire romantica
the plump woman starring down at
her. "Help me up, please."
    "Let me get you a wheel-chair."
    "I don't need one," Eve snapped. The woman
didn't budge. "Whatever. I'll do it myself."
    This night couldn't get any worse. First,
Armand's rejection at Luxure , then she's brought to this
germ-infested hellhole, and now, this stupid sow wouldn't give her
a hand.
    And to top it off, her skin felt like it was
crawling as excess blood pooled and squirmed in her veins. She had
to get out of here. Now.
    It was laborious and it certainly wasn't
graceful, but Eve managed to heave herself out of the rock-hard
    "Shawna, the labs are back from your patient
in 20. You wanna take a look at them?"
    While the nurse was briefly distracted, Eve
made it across the bustling waiting room. She'd almost completed
her escape when the nurse cried, "Miss, wait!"
    As luck would have it, a crash cart rushed by
just as Eve was stumbling through the emergency room doors. "Car
accident," the EMS worker was saying, "male, early 20's-"
    The glass doors whooshed closed behind her.
No one followed her out. It appeared the plump nurse was held up in
the confusion.
    Eve staggered through the dimly lit downtown
streets. If she could get back to the Quarter, she could find
someone to help her. All this blood was making her body heavy.
    She tried hailing a cab a couple of times,
but her lead filled arms were always too slow to respond quickly
enough when one passed. So she continued her journey on unsteady
legs. No one paid any attention to her as she tottered along,
confusing her with the multitude of drunks stumbling about.
    Finally, she crossed the chaos of Canal St.
and emerged, relieved, on a dark, quiet street. She'd barely
traveled 100ft when she saw her salvation.
    "Darus," she breathed. A single oil lantern
barely illuminated the sidewalk where he stood, and her vision was
blurred for some reason, but the long dreads and top hat gave his
identity away.
    He eyed her curiously as she lurched towards
him. Those last feet were the most exhausting steps she'd ever
traveled. He needed to take from her now, before it was too
    She clutched at his velvet coat. "Darus,
please, you have to drink from me. I'm so full I can't stand
    He cocked his head. "We can go back to my
    "No. Here. Now. Just bite me! I can't take it
any longer. My skin feels like it's going to burst."
    Darus studied her for a moment, then scanned
the dark street in both directions before pulling her out of the
light and onto a shadowy stoop. As soon as his sharp teeth sank
into her flesh, Eve let out a blissful moan and then everything
went dark.
    * * *
    Julia's dreams that night were filled with
dark, morbid thoughts that had nothing to do with airplanes or
elevators. Instead, vampires danced through her dreams. They
weren't the tattered soul, redemption seeking type that only
feasted on wild animals or bought blood from a bank. No, these were
the vampires that stalked their victims down the dark streets of
New Orleans to drink them dry. The kind that lured their victims in
with sexual prowess only to feast on their fluids until nothing but
a withered corpse remained.
    They certainly weren't the sexy blood
drinkers in her books.
    The most vivid and last dream she had took
place at Luxure . The low ceiling and painted black walls
were oppressive as the pulsing bass vibrated through her spine.
Julia was on the dance floor, her body a supple, writhing form
sandwiched between other undulating bodies. Her red silk dress slid
across her skin like a lover's embrace, caressing her thighs with
every sway of her hips.
    The music pulsed stronger, becoming harder,
more intense. Behind her, strobe lights flickered, breaking up
every movement in the bar into broken, confusing images. A door
opened slowly and Armand emerged from the hidden room, a limp form
with tattered red hair cradled in his arms. Pin-up girl was pressed
against his side, her perfect curves molded to every void

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