potential, she was a spirit medium rivaling Yukina in strength.
“I have heard that this can be healed immediately with a blow to the back of the head!”
Kojou panicked as he realized what Kanon intended. “Wait a sec, you’ve got your first aid wrong! Good girls shouldn’t copy stuff from TV, it’s dangerous—!”
If she gave a Shrine Maiden Chop to the back of his head, he didn’t think even an immortal vampire would escape unscathed. Even without that, it was dangerous to mix up your first aid.
However, Kojou’s plea for mercy was in vain, with Kanon bringing her chop down together with her cute voice. “Yah!”
Kojou’s vision went dark as the lethal blow hit home.
The last things Kojou saw with the final traces of his consciousness were Yukina, covering her eyes as she told him that he was reaping what he’d sown, and his own sister, with a cold, scornful look on her face.
In the ninth lunar month, a couple of days after the first crescent with the moon swollen beyond half its size, the southwestern sky sparkled bright.
The Demon Sanctuary’s night was long. Many demons were fond of the night; also, in cities with a high population of transient demons, businesses offering food and entertainment continued to operate until nearly the crack of dawn.
On the other hand, somewhat removed from the bustle of the city, the island was surrounded by the dark, wide-open nighttime sea, where not even the light of the neon signs reached. The rough waves of the ocean crashed ceaselessly against the cliffs of the artificial island, spreading cold sea spray all about. A twisted, mocking voice echoed across the swaying, velvetlike surface of the sea.
A woman dressed in a red outfit spoke.
“Just as before, a horrid city, my sister.”
Her clothes were very revealing; you’d think she was a dancer from a foreign country. She wore sensational garter stockings along with a sorceress’s robe and a long hood. All were dyed scarlet, like the color of blood.
Judging by appearance, she was about twenty. From her clothes, she might be thought a harlot, or, seen from the back alone, perhaps a priestess. However, the ominous atmosphere wafting all around her brought only one word to mind—
The other intoxicating voice replied to the scarlet woman with a laugh. “Yes, very much so.”
This woman was in jet-black. She wore a wide-brimmed, triangular hat over her head, a black mantle over her shoulders, and a black leather bondage rider suit; in one sense, the air about her was more erotic than if she had been completely nude.
Her appearance, too, could only be called that of a witch.
A scarlet witch and a black witch.
Calmly walking over the surface of the very sea, the two set foot upon the artificial land of Itogami Island.
The next moment, a dazzling searchlight rudely shone upon them.
Fortified against the cliffs on the side of the road was a force of well-armed riot police. Their shields had defensive magical runes engraved into them; their firearms were loaded with special anti-demon rounds.
This was the Island Guard’s interdiction unit. In accordance with their mission, they were brimming with combat experience and powerful weaponry.
However, the witches gave the guardsmen a look of scorn, sighing with a lack of enthusiasm.
“They seem unamused, my sister.”
“You’d think they’d give us a warmer welcome, returning after ten years like this.”
As they spoke quite casually, the two continued to walk toward the city. Their behavior was quite arrogant, completely heedless of the gun barrels aimed right at them.
The Island Guard squad leader shouted. His loudspeaker-amplified voice seemed to make the very coastal air shake.
“Attention, intruders: You are violating the jurisdiction of a Demon Sanctuary. In accordance with the Special Security Measures Act, you are under arrest. Immediately lower your spell wards and follow our instructions. You have ten seconds. This is your final
Gerry Davis, Alison Bingeman