Lady Alex's Gamble

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Book: Lady Alex's Gamble by Evelyn Richardson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Richardson
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
member, for when you go to school you will be dealing with perfect strangers. But yes, I was teasing. I am counting on all of you to help Ally keep things in order while I am gone and lessons would only make your jobs more difficult." She smiled reassuringly, hoping that the promise of no lessons was enough recompense for what must seem to them to be desertion on her part.
    They still looked a bit woebegone despite her assurance that she would be back soon, but each and every one of them was determined not to let her down. In fact, Alex was feeling just the slightest bit woebegone herself. Much as she chafed against her humdrum existence, and much as she told Althea that she craved adventure, she was not at all sure how much that was true now that she was actually about to encounter it. After all, she had never been farther than Norwich in her entire life. She had never slept a night out of her own bed, and had never been without her family for more than a day. She loved them all dearly and would miss them as much, or perhaps more, than they would miss her. They would soon settle back into their daily routine while she would be moving entirely among strangers. It was a rather daunting prospect. 52
    Lady Alex's Gamble
    by Evelyn Richardson
    Don't be a ninny, Alexandra, she scolded herself. If you do not go off and do this, then we shall all be cast out among strangers.
    Strengthened by this thought as well as the memory of the sly smile that had spread over Sir Ralph's repulsive features when he had observed her distaste for her brother's matrimonial arrangements, she straightened her shoulders against the squabs of the carriage seat and resolutely pushed all doubts from her mind.
    They stopped first at Mrs. Bates's cottage long enough for Alexandra to change into her brother's clothes and to have her long auburn curls clipped by a tearful Bessie.
    "I know 'tis the only way, my lady, but oh, your beautiful hair!" The maid had moaned in distress as one thick lock after another fell to the floor.
    "There is naught else to be done. I hope that I am not such a vain creature that I cannot survive the loss of a bit of hair," Alex responded in a rallying tone. She refused to admit, even to herself, that each snip of the scissors was depriving her of something of which she had secretly been rather proud. Alex had known she was not the beauty her mother had been, nor had she aspired to be. Although the masses of dark red hair had been rather distinctive, her head did feel a good deal lighter now, and the curls that now brushed against her ears made her feel delightfully airy and free after the weight of the severe coils, which had been wound smoothly at the back of her head.
    Cautiously she peeked into the looking glass that Bessie held up for her inspection. Much to her surprise, Alex rather 53
    Lady Alex's Gamble
    by Evelyn Richardson
    liked what she saw. The curls gave her a slightly raffish air that softened the effect of her aquiline nose and determined chin, making her appear younger and less serious. More reassuringly, she was the image of her twin, or at least a younger, healthier, less dissipated Earl of Halewood than the one who lay delirious in the bedchamber at the back of the cottage.
    Emerging from that very bedchamber and catching sight of the false earl. Doctor Padgett marveled that Alex was the image of what her twin had been, and was struck again by the unfortunate effects a ruinous life had had on his patient's health, which, as he unhappily informed Alex, was not the least improved. "I very much fear that no matter what remedies I try, and despite any experience or skill I may have gained over the years, I can do very little for him." The doctor shook his head sadly.
    "I know." Alex waved aside his apologies. "He has brought it all on himself, and now on us. I just hope you will not have to bury him before I return from London, which you may be sure I shall do as quickly as possible.
    "But now"—she swaggered

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