Lady Dearing's Masquerade

Lady Dearing's Masquerade by Elena Greene Read Free Book Online

Book: Lady Dearing's Masquerade by Elena Greene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elena Greene
Sir Jeremy understand some of the ways she’d deviated from Hospital practices, or would he judge her harshly for them?
    “The children are out on a ramble with their governess,” she replied, draining all emotion from her voice. “They will not return for another hour, I think.”
    “I can wait.”
    “But it will be almost time for their dinner, and it would be most improper of you to join us. Daytime visits may be excused on account of Foundling Hospital business, but if you are known to dine here, there would be gossip. I would not wish the good work you are doing on behalf of the Foundling Hospital to be jeopardized by it.”
    He directed a suspicious look her way, then finally nodded. “When should I come?”
    “Let us say ten o’clock. That is not too early, is it?”
    “Not at all. I am an early riser. But are the children permitted to sleep so late?”
    “Of course not. They rise at seven and have lessons after their breakfast. At ten they go outside to play. It would be a good opportunity for me to show you about the schoolroom while it is quiet. You may meet them when they return.”
    Having played out any fidgets and on their best behavior, she prayed.
    “Very well. Ten o’clock it is.”
    She rose from her seat to leave and he followed.
    “I meant to arrive earlier,” he said as they walked down the hall. “But my horse threw a shoe.”
    His tone was friendlier, as if he wished to lull her fear of the inspection. She knew better than to be caught off guard.
    “You rode from London?” she asked.
    “I prefer to ride or walk whenever I can.”
    So he did not care to be driven. Exercise would account for those muscular limbs, the powerful way he moved. Despite her intentions, just walking beside him brought back memories of the masquerade.
    A rush of desire.
    Idiot, to allow a man’s good looks and athletic physique to affect her so! Once in a lifetime was surely enough for such folly. And this man no longer admired her, if his stiff manner was any indication. What would he think if she told him the part he himself had played in her fall from grace?
    He could easily blame her for having encouraged him.
    She forced an impersonal smile to her face and bade him goodbye on the steps as a groom brought his horse around. She watched as Sir Jeremy mounted the gleaming, superbly conditioned black beast and rode off. He had quiet hands and an easy, upright seat that spoke of long hours spent in the saddle. If he donned some armor, and some colorful trappings, he could be taken for a knight errant from some old legend.
    She dismissed the silly fancy. In truth, the man was a puzzle. At the masquerade he’d seemed so protective, so gentle, so tenderly passionate. Now he regarded her with hard, critical eyes and she didn’t dare tell him the truth, for fear of upsetting the life she had carved out for herself and the children.
    And yet, a mad, reckless part of her rejoiced that she would be seeing him again tomorrow.

Chapter 4
    Livvy returned to the house. Thurlow still stood in the hall, holding the door for her, a thoughtful expression on his face. It reminded her of something she must do.
    “Please tell Charles he is to have two weeks’ holiday,” she said.
    The butler blinked, then nodded. “Very well, ma’am. I will tell him.”
    “I have a very good reason for what I am doing, Thurlow,” she assured him.
    “I imagine you do, my lady,” he said respectfully, but with a twinkle in his eye.
    Dear Thurlow! Bless him and dear Mrs. Thurlow, the housekeeper. They’d kindly born with her tantrums throughout childhood and helped her rebuild her life through widowhood and disgrace. They’d not uttered a word of complaint when she began to bring her foundlings home from London, instead treating the children with the utmost kindness and insisting the rest of the staff follow their lead. She could count on their support in helping to make a good impression on Sir Jeremy Fairhill.
    An hour later, Livvy

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