Lady Eve's Indiscretion

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Book: Lady Eve's Indiscretion by Grace Burrowes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Grace Burrowes
    They shared a look, part humor, part despair, before His Grace spoke. “I’ve not had Deene’s finances looked into yet, if that’s what you’re asking. I like the man, and I recall all too well what it was like when the title befell us.”
    He always referred to it like that: the title befell us , not just him. Our duchy, not simply his dukedom. He was not an arrogant husband, though he could be a very arrogant duke—which Esther did not regard in any way as a fault.
    â€œYou think Deene needs a wife, then?”
    He patted her hand, a slow stroking gesture that likely soothed him as much as it did her. “The fellow in need of a wife is probably the last fellow to realize his predicament, to wit, your dear and adoring husband in a younger incarnation. Deene’s antecedents did not set a sanguine example in this regard. I’ve encouraged him to choose wisely.”
    â€œYou refer to our sons when you allude to fellows not knowing they needed wives.”
    This merited her another smile, one hinting of mischief. “With regard to wise choices, of course I do. They take after their papa in this. If Deene were to seek to join our family, Esther, would you approve the match?”
    She needed a moment to consider her answer. To better facilitate her cogitation, she laid her head on His Grace’s shoulder.
    â€œHe was very kind to Evie when she needed help the other night.”
    In that simple expostulation, Esther understood that her husband divined the direction of her thoughts.
    â€œOur perpetual darling.” His Grace sighed and put an arm around Her Grace’s shoulders. “The proposals have slowed to a trickle, but I’m thinking Tridelphius Trottenham is coming to the sticking point.”
    â€œHe will not do.”
    â€œOf course not. Evie always engages the affections of fellows who are perfectly acceptable in any role save that of husband. She has a genius for it.”
    They didn’t need to say more on that topic. Eve had her reasons, of which they were all too aware.
    Esther again took her husband’s hand in hers. “She’ll get her courage back, Husband. She’s a Windham. She just hasn’t met the right fellow yet.”
    His Grace maintained a diplomatic silence, which Esther was wise enough—married enough—to comprehend did not signal agreement.
    The day wasn’t exactly warm, but it was sunny. Still, with a stiff breeze resulting from Deene’s horses being at the trot, Eve felt chilled.
    And this had to be the reason why she sat a little closer to Deene than was strictly, absolutely proper.
    â€œIf you’re cold, there’s a blanket under the seat for your lap.”
    â€œI’m fine.”
    He glanced over at her. “You’re pale, Eve. Has another megrim been afflicting you?”
    The shops and stately homes of Mayfair sped by, though in a couple of hours the streets would likely be too crowded to proceed at such a lively pace. “A gentleman would not remark such a thing.”
    He leaned a little closer, as if imparting a confidence. “A lady would not be gripping the handrail as if her driver were about to capsize the vehicle.”
    Dratted man. She relaxed her grip.
    â€œTake a breath and make yourself let it out slowly.” He said this quietly too, still in that conspiratorial tone. Eve wanted to elbow him in his ribs. Out of deference to the welfare of her elbow, she took a breath.
    Which did help, double drat him.
    â€œWe have two perfect gentlemen in the traces,” Deene said. “I traded your brother Devlin for them and got the better of the bargain.”
    â€œHow old are they?” Another breath.
    â€œRising six, and the most sensible fellows you’d ever want in harness.”
    Eve considered the horses, a pair of shiny chestnuts, each with white socks on both forelegs. “Why didn’t Devlin want

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