Lady Myddelton's Lover
Richard had neither the patience nor desire to comprehend, turning to cast a searching glance at Aline. She toyed with the beaded tassels hanging from her bodice, managing to avoid his eyes as she studied the restaurant dining room and its inhabitants. He followed the sweep of her gaze, noticing the many diners who began to rise from their tables and drift towards the arched entrance of Winter Garden, where couples danced to the music of the regimental band playing behind a crystal screen in the corner.
    The waiter who approached to fill their glasses with Pommery champagne and wine momentarily distracted him, and he missed the sudden appearance of an adenoidal young man in a black military uniform with two death’s heads on his collar patches, his puffed chest slung with medals. He promptly identified himself as Prince Ludwig von Mackensen with a click of his heels, and asked Aline to dance. She accepted with alacrity, much to Richard’s disbelief, and he could only watch as the German officer helped her from her seat and thrust his elbow at her to take. She swept her skirt in her hand and followed Prince von Mackensen to the Winter Garden, where the officer led her into a waltz.
    He reached for his glass of champagne and took a drink, unconsciously turning to Sir Carleton, who too watched them leave with a heavy glower. His expression smoothed when he noticed Richard looking at him, but the continuous smoothing of his mustache betrayed his agitation. Richard lifted his champagne coupe mockingly and finished the last of the slightly sweet, bubbly liquid.
    “Champagne,” Sir Carleton said abruptly, holding his own coupe in his hand. “Is an elegant drink, meant to be sipped slowly and its taste savored, not tossed back like a high ball.”
    He demonstrated this, closing his eyes to sip the Pommery and, well, savor its flavor. He opened his eyes and set the now half-empty coupe on the snowy white tablecloth with a flourish.
    “Pardon my crudity,” Richard raised a brow at his empty glass. “But you haven’t time to waste ‘sipping’ and ‘savoring’ drinks on a cattle station.”
    “Speaking of cattle—”
    “Were we?” Richard set the glass on the table and leaned back in his seat. “I thought we were discussing my inelegant manner of drinking champagne.”
    Sir Carleton’s answering smile was studiously polite and he paused as the waiter returned to their table with a plate of very thin slices of blini and a mound of sterlet caviar. Richard glanced briefly at the baronet, and followed his action of spooning the golden caviar into the blini and rolling into a tube before eating. The taste was decadent and unique, though he quickly determined it had a limited appeal to him.
    “I am going to come down to your level, my lord, and speak frankly,” Sir Carleton continued, preparing another folded blini of caviar.
    Richard gestured for the baronet to speak. “I’m listening,”
    “What are your intentions towards Lady Myddelton?”
    “I mean to marry her.” Richard stated baldly.
    Sir Carleton looked a trifle dazed at his response. He then shook his head. “Damn, you are uncommonly blunt. I don’t know what to make of you.”
    “Have you any objections?”
    “Yes,” The baronet said testily. “I hope to wed her myself. It would have been improper to court a recent widow, and I have waited these two years quite patiently.”
    “Isn’t it for the lady to decide whom she wants?”
    “And you are sure she chooses you, eh?” Sir Carleton scoffed. “I know men of your ilk, so sure of their physical appeal and great charm; however, it is gentlemen like me, who give a woman of Lady Myddelton’s type the stability and protection needed to guide her in life.”
    “Bollocks,” Richard leaned forward in his seat, ignoring the baronet’s splutter of outrage. “Aline is more than capable of making her own decisions, and she needs someone who understands this.”
    “You are correct, Lord Myddelton,”

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