Late for the Wedding
Yes, I took the damned ring."
      Why? You are no thief, sir."
    He reached into his pocket and took out the ring. For a moment
    he examined it in the light of the candle.   Even if I were inclined
    toward thievery, I would not have willingly pinched this particular
    bit of jewelry. I took it because I am quite certain that it was left
    there for me to find."
    Ice melted slowly down her spine.
    She walked to where he stood and looked at the ring on his
    palm. In the flickering candlelight she could make out a miniature
    gold coffin. Tobias opened the lid with the edge of one finger. A
    ghastly little death's-head stared up at her from a bed of crossed
      A memento-mori ring," she said, frowning slightly.   They were
    quite popular in past eras, although why anyone would want to be
    constantly reminded of the inevitability of death is beyond me."
      Three years ago, an aging countess, a wealthy widow, and two
    gentlemen of means died in a series of what appeared to be accidents and suicides. One afternoon I chanced to engage my friend
    Crackenburne in a discussion of the events. It occurred to me in the
    course of the conversation that, in each case, someone had gained
    substantially from the unexpected demise."
      You refer to inheritances?"
      Yes. In all four cases. The end result was that several large
    fortunes, a couple of sizable estates, and a title or two changed
      What struck you as odd about that? Such things happen when
    wealthy, titled people die."
      Indeed. But there were other aspects of the deaths that aroused
    my curiosity. The two suicides, for example, seemed unlikely to me.
    Crackenburne, who is always in the know when it comes to the
    affairs of the ton, was not aware that either of the two men who died
    in that manner suffered from melancholia or desperately ill health.
    Neither had sustained any recent financial losses."
      And the accidents?"
      The aging countess went through the ice that covered a pond
    while out taking a walk on a cold winter afternoon. The wealthy
    widow fell down a flight of stairs while alone in her house one night.
    She broke her neck."
    There was a short silence. Reluctantly Lavinia looked toward the
    place where it seemed Fullerton had made a frantic attempt to
    avoid the fall that had killed him.
    Tobias followed her gaze and nodded once.   Indeed, her death was
    not unlike Fullerton's."
      Continue, sir."
    Tobias resumed his slow pacing.   Crackenburne urged me to look
    into the deaths. Discreetly, of course. No suggestion of murder had
    been implied, and none of the families in question would have
    welcomed one."
    What did you discover?"
      In the course of making some inquiries into the demise of the
    widow, I learned that her housekeeper had found a very unpleasant
    item of jewelry near the body."
    Apprehension made her palms grow cold.   A memento-mori ring?"
    Yes." Tobias closed his hand tightly around the ring.   The house
    keeper had served her employer for many years and was positive
    that the ring was not part of the widow's collection of jewels. When
    I investigated the two suicides, I was told that similar odd rings had
    been found in the libraries of both men. Neither man's valet recognized the ring."
    She was suddenly keenly aware of the slight chill in the night air.
      I begin to perceive why you are so concerned about Fullerton's
      A fortnight after I began my inquiries, there was a fifth death. An
    elderly peer had apparently taken an overdose of laudanum. But
    this time I learned of the suspicious suicide almost immediately,
    thanks to Crackenburne's connections. With his assistance, I was
    able to get into the house before the body was removed and study
    the bed chamber where the man had died. I found the ring on his
    desk. But that was not all I discovered."
    What else did you learn?"
      There was also some mud on the windowsill. It looked as though
    someone had climbed into the bed chamber that night, perhaps

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