Least Said

Least Said by Pamela Fudge Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Least Said by Pamela Fudge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Fudge
the way I had thrown myself at the tall, blond rugby player. His hands had been all over me as we danced to the wedding disco and we both were very well aware that we’d be dancing into bed with one another before the night was over.
    For god’s sake, we were practically doing it in the lift, and probably would have been if his room had been a couple of floors higher. Contraception was never part of the plan as far as I was concerned, and was never referred to by my partner in crime. His hands were up my dress, his lips on my exposed nipple before the door to the room finally opened and we fell inside. We were on the bed and he was inside me while we were still fully clothed and all the time, as I enjoyed his very experienced attentions I was laughing inside at how I was getting my own back on Jon.
    Only I hadn’t been, had I? There had been no affair except in my imagination and, all this time later, the thought of my duplicity still brought tears to my eyes and the ever present guilt ate steadily away at my heart; and that was despite the fact I had always justified my actions by reminding myself that without that one night we might not have had Will, surely proving that the means justify the end?
    I woke heavy eyed and heavy headed, and with a heart heavy with remorse when I felt Jon get out of bed.
    ‘Another bad night?’ he queried, concern evident in his blue eyes and on his lips.
    I shrugged and murmured, ‘Just a bad dream.’
    ‘Well, you can’t blame the cheese this time, because you didn’t eat any last night.’
    ‘Everyone has the odd nightmare,’ I pointed out, trying not to sound as touchy as I felt, and willing him to stop fussing.
    ‘Pity you have to get up early for the shopping trip,’ Jon called through from the en-suite, ‘but perhaps Tina could go without you.’
    ‘I don’t want her to,’ I scowled in the direction of the bathroom, ‘I see little enough of her as it is.’
    ‘Okay,’ he said, ‘but it’s definitely early to bed for you tonight, my sweet, and no arguments,’ and with that I heard the sound of running water and the shower door closing behind him.
    Make-up hid the ravages of a disturbed night and I was determinedly up-beat and cheerful as Tina and I dropped William off at school and drove into Poole town centre. It was quite like old times as we headed along the familiar route from the multi-story car park and into the Dolphin Centre.
    The difference was, of course, that this wasn’t a leisurely shopping trip such as we’d enjoyed many times in the past. Time was of the essence today because we both knew that Calum didn’t like to keep clients – even potential ones – waiting, so it was straight into the nearest department store to purchase the first pair of suitable trousers that we came across.
    We actually had to make a determined effort to avert our eyes from the enticing rails of clothes in the women’s department, especially when the ‘Sale’ signs were so abundant.
    ‘Some other time,’ I insisted when I saw Tina’s eyes stray towards some brightly coloured tops. ‘Anyway, you live in London now with far more choice of shops and clothes.’
    ‘You’d think so, wouldn’t you?’ she pulled a rueful face. ‘But more isn’t always better in my book.’
    Calum had the door open before we were halfway up the path, and then tried to pretend he wasn’t looking out for us. He made a good job of not snatching the department store bag out of Tina’s hands, and we did our best to ignore the fact he was still wearing Jon’s trousers and posing a ridiculous picture with his ankles on display.
    ‘What are you two going to get up to while I’m gone?’ he queried, adding with a gleam in his eye, ‘More shopping?’
    ‘I’m tempted,’ Tina admitted, ‘but I really must go and see Bette. Yes,’ she forestalled the interruption that hovered on Calum’s lips, ‘I know you saw her yesterday, but that’s not the same as me visiting, is

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