fearful today? Those people are always griping, complaining, and talking about everything that could possibly go wrong. Do you desire to go out and make your life count? If you want to do exploits like David did, you need to have a different attitude. You have to look at God’s Word and evaluate your enemy, circumstances, and problems based on what the Word says about them. David’s confidence came from the fact that he had a covenant with God. He was dominated by what the Lord had to say, not what the physical presence of this giant or the army of Israel was saying. Only the Word—not other people—moved him. That’s powerful!
Tremendous Opportunity for Victory
Even though I’ve seen this truth and lived it to a great degree, living in this physical world is like gravity. Unbelief, doubt, and negativity pull on us constantly. We need to be so dominated by God’s Word that we do not let other people’s opinions and what things look like in the physical realm dominate us. I have lived like this to a degree, but I desire to be stronger than ever before.
That’s what made David different. He wasn’t the strongest, biggest, meanest, or toughest. But David saw things differently than other people did. He looked at Goliath and said, “He’s powerless. He doesn’t have my covenant!” Nobody else had thought of the covenant or the promises of God. They were all just evaluating the situation based on Goliath’s height, the size of his weapons, and the weight of his armor. They were only looking in the physical realm, but David was looking at the heart. Therefore, his conclusion was, This man is bankrupt! He has nothing!
It doesn’t matter how big your problems are. If you would evaluate things as David did, you would recognize that you’re the one with the promises. You’re the one with an edge on any enemy you face. Really, the bigger the problem confronting you, the greater the opportunity you have to do an exploit for God, to see Him come through, and to have a better testimony. You’ll be so blessed just knowing that you will get to see God deliver you from this totally impossible situation.
We never would have heard of David if he had killed a dwarf. Instead of praising him and talking about what a great battle it was, people would have criticized him and declared, “This was unfair!” The headlines in the morning paper would have read, “David Kills Dwarf: Sent to Prison for Life!” People would have criticized David if Goliath had been a dwarf, but the fact remains that he was a giant. This meant that David had a tremendous opportunity for the Lord to come through with an awesome victory. Therefore, instead of looking at how big our problems are, we should think of how great a testimony it will be when the Lord gives us victory over them.
Raised from the Dead
Even though facing the death of a child is a terrible thing and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, I’ve seen my son raised from the dead. When I first heard that he had died, I felt the same emotions anyone else would feel, but within a very short period of time I spoke my faith. Then I started thinking, This is wonderful. What an opportunity this will be. I believe the Lord is going to raise him from the dead. My son had been dead for approximately five hours, had turned black, and had already been toe tagged in the hospital cooler. Yet God raised him from the dead!
During the hour drive into town, before I knew what the outcome would be, I was excited—rejoicing and praising God. You might think, “Come on Andrew, that’s impossible! You couldn’t have been rejoicing,” but that is my testimony. I was there. I remember. That is how it was.
David was the same way. He wasn’t intimidated. He knew he had a covenant with God. Due to this, David had a completely different attitude than most people. He thought, What a great opportunity! I’ve been anointed king. This is what the Lord has called me to do—defend His people. So by His grace,