Lethal Remedy
female voice was much too perky for John. His mood was dark, so everyone's should be. He grunted a response and flexed his aching back muscles.

"John, this is Donald Schaeffer. I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time."

John's nerve endings tingled, and suddenly he was fully awake. "No, no. Just sat down to let my lunch settle and began watching a documentary on the Learning Channel." There was no need to let Schaeffer know the TV had been tuned to a MASH rerun.

"I've pulled every string I could, but there's no way I can swing an extra faculty member at this time."

John's stomach did a back flip, and for a moment he was afraid the few bites of grilled cheese sandwich he'd choked down at lunch would come right back up. "Thanks, anyway," he mumbled. "I guess—"

Schaeffer continued as though John hadn't spoken. "But I believe I can manage a part-time position for you. We're short in the GIM clinic, and you could pick up that slack for the next six months or so. By that time, we'll be into the next fiscal year, and I think I can swing a full-time appointment if it works for both of us."

"General Internal Medicine sounds right up my alley, Donald. After all, that's what I did for forty years. How soon can I start?"

"Why don't you come by tomorrow and see Kim, my department administrator? She can work out all the details."

"I don't know how to thank—" John realized he was talking to a dead phone. Schaeffer must have moved on to another of the message slips on his desk. He probably wouldn't think about this one again until he saw John in the halls of the department. But John would think about it constantly. Maybe this was the rope he could use to pull himself out of the depths of depression. He bowed his head. Okay, God. You came through on this one. But I still don't think we're even.





Jack Ingersoll ignored the instructions that followed. He closed his eyes and prepared to enjoy the flight. Jandra had sprung for a first-class ticket, and when he got to the gate he was happy to see that the aircraft was a 757. Although there'd been a time when he enjoyed travel, with familiarity had come first boredom and then actual distaste. Now, when travel was necessary, he wanted as many creature comforts as possible for the journey.

As soon as he felt the plane lift offthe runway, Ingersoll reclined his seat and settled back. He brushed aside the flight attendant's offer of a drink. He hadn't slept last night, replaying in his mind his conversation with Wolfe, but alcohol wasn't going to be the answer. Besides, he didn't want to be muzzyheaded when he reached Dallas. He'd need his wits about him as he tried to impress Dr. Pearson with the importance of making sure no adverse data crept into the reports of the EpAm848—that is, the Jandramycin cases. He was going to have a hard time getting used to the name, but he supposed it would help remind him of how much was riding on the success of this drug.

He checked his watch. Mid-morning in San Francisco. With the two-hour time difference and the length of the flight, there was no reason to consider going to the medical center after he landed. Even Pearson, never one to punch a time clock, would be gone by then. Tomorrow would have to be soon enough.

Ingersoll pushed the call button.

"Yes, sir?" One nice thing about flying first class. The service was much better than what one got back in coach.

"I've changed my mind. I'll have a glass of white wine."

He really should have called Pearson yesterday afternoon to check on the progress of his latest patient, but after his meeting with Wolfe, all Ingersoll wanted to do was go somewhere and clear his mind. He'd wandered the streets of San Francisco aimlessly for hours, had something totally forgettable from room service, and had fallen into bed to stare at the ceiling for most of the night. At least Jandra had been decent enough to put him up at

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