Liars and Tigers

Liars and Tigers by Breanna Hayse Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Liars and Tigers by Breanna Hayse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Breanna Hayse
side. "What kind of
ride are you thinking of, Tiger?"
that I've recently wanted to take, but never got up the nerve." She winked
at him.
swallowed, feeling his cock stir. "Is it the kind of ride I will
my dear," Misha stood gracefully, placed her hands on the table, and
leaned forward just an inch from his lips. "It's a ride that will rock
your world." With a quick peck to his cheek, Misha giggled at the
astonished look on his face, snatched up the sleeping cub, and ran inside. She
stuck her head out the door and commanded Alex to get ready to leave in ten
was in her truck with the motor running when Alex came out to meet her. He
shook his head. "We'll take my truck and I will drive."
no, we won't. Trust me, you will never be the same after you see what I have
planned for you, but we have to get moving."
way, kid, I don't have a death wish. Jack's told me about some of your driving
issues. Move on over. You can navigate."
don't have any driving issues. I've never been in an accident, so there is
nothing to worry about. Get in the truck, Alex, unless you're chicken…"
Misha cocked her head and flashed a mischievous grin.
is not necessary, brat."
do you call that?" Misha asked, as he opened the passenger side door.
wasn't name-calling. That was a term of endearment. Oh great," Alex
groaned, noticing the souped-up stereo system, "please tell me you aren't
going to play the stereo. When did you get that horrid thing?"
days ago. Jack screwed up my last one. Wanna hear?"
thank you."
you like music?" Misha asked, pulling out of the long driveway.
like music just fine," Alex said, wrapping his fingers around the hand
grip to brace himself. "Just not loud, especially when driving. Please,
slow down before you make me car sick. These roads are too narrow to go this
fast on the curves."
Mr. Hodges," Misha giggled, "this action is nothing compared to what
I'm gonna do to you in an hour."
pulled onto the north of I-15 toward Temecula. Alex closed his eyes as she
chattered along, mumbling that she'd had too much coffee that morning.
made a face at him. "Do you have a headache or something?"
sweetheart, I'm just exhausted. I have to say something, though. I really like
this side of you. Even the little bit of sass is cute. Just don't take it too
far, okay?"
if I do, huh? Whatcha going to do about it?"
start by taking a hairbrush to your backend. Trust me, darling you don't want
to go there."
if I do?" Misha asked. "Jack told me all about you."
do?" Alex's mouth fell open. "What did Jack say?"
love watching you take the bait," Misha laughed, avoiding his question.
"You should be in a good mood! You got the elephant settled in that
gigantic reserve and Jack fixed the
aircon in your office. Put away the grumpy. You're going to have a blast."
hope so. Do you promise to be a good girl and not try to provoke a fight with
me today?"
about this; if you sincerely try to be good, I'll let you win at miniature golf
next time we play?"
won the last three games we've played, so what's the big deal?" Misha
snorted, glancing at him.
cheat. Don't think I don't see you picking up the ball and putting it near the
hole. You also finagle the numbers when keeping score."
don't cheat," Misha snickered. "I improvise. Try another bribe."
don't care much for girly things except chocolate macadamia nuts," Alex
pondered. "How about a full body massage?"
of course."
Misha shook her head. "I don't get naked in front of anybody, not even for
that. Try again."
liked my first idea."
I don't. Spanking is barbaric."
Alex laughed, watching her blush. "You're curious."
not. You're delusional."
you are a tease. Are we there yet?" he asked, enjoying her sudden outburst
of laughter. That was always her favorite

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