Lies That Bind

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Book: Lies That Bind by Caitlyn Willows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caitlyn Willows
Tags: Contemporary, Mystery & Suspense, menage, BDSM & Fetish
Tito wouldn’t bat an eye about arresting you for trespassing on Turnbauer land. The town’s growing but still maintains a small-town mentality with ties that bind. Up until recently, we were still considered outsiders. Hell, we probably always will be. These people could close ranks fast.”
    “Or turn on each other just as fast,” Nate said. “Two pairs of eyes and ears are always best. I appreciate the company.” Nate jerked his head toward the rack of cowboy hats by the front door. “Don’t suppose you’ve got a hat I could borrow.”
    Tyler snickered. “That’s like asking to borrow a man’s woman. But”—he shot Tessa a glance from the corner of his eye—“I’m not averse to sharing, under the right circumstances.”
    He slid his hat on slow and easy. Tyler’s gaze did an equally slow pass over Tessa’s body that sent shivers through her. The invitation he extended when he tipped the brim her way was obvious. Come get me. Have your way with me.
    “Nothing to share there as far as I’m concerned.” Nate grabbed a hat from the rack and slipped it on. “I’m not Tessa’s boyfriend. I’m just a friend who didn’t want her to fly all this way alone. End of story. So now you can all kiss and make up.”
    “Don’t worry. We will.” Rex edged up right behind Tessa. His intent was very clear in the ripples of heat she felt curling around her, touching yet not touching.
    The lure crumbled what little remained of Tessa’s resistance, even while she cursed Nate for having given her up. It was a meager defense at best. She’d been without them too long. Probably shouldn’t have left in the first place. But damn it, she had her dignity. Pride . Right was right. Derek deserved this land more than she did. If Rex and Tyler really cared, they would have followed her. They would have understood.
    Now here they were, almost together again. Tension and want swirled around her. If left alone with them, how long before they moved in to take what they wanted? It would be no-holds-barred, and in seconds, she’d find herself pressed between them.
    The word and the feeling that went with it jolted her wayward thoughts to a standstill. Her heartbeat was another matter. It raced in time with the boot steps thudding across the polished wooden floor and out the kitchen door.
    “Anything else, Kevin?”
    Rex’s question pulled her into the present.
    “We’ll talk more business tomorrow.” Kevin stacked his documents into one little pile. “Tessa, you’ll need to make sure your estate is in order, advise your attorney, and—”
    “As you said, tomorrow is fine.” Tessa snapped the words out without intending to. Her control was slipping. The thought of having to deal with one more thing, one more revelation, was too much.
    “I’ll call you. You’ll need to make funeral arrangements and—”
    “Kevin, please.” She gripped her hands before her, trying to stay calm. “Not now. I need some time to process all this.”
    “Don’t we all.” He shoved the papers into his briefcase, snapped it closed, and hurried off.
    Tessa felt like the biggest bitch in the world. Kevin was only trying to do his job. Derek was his client. He’d be feeling the loss too, though he locked his emotions behind an anal-retentive wall of professionalism. Very similar to her own actions. The realization didn’t sit well.
    “I think we could both use a few minutes to collect our thoughts.” Rex skirted around her, skimming his fingers over her back as he went.
    Though he was a good two feet away, he felt too close yet not close enough. Ache crawled inside her. Why didn’t he take what he wanted? Unless he didn’t want her anymore.
    “Want something to drink?” he asked. “Coffee? Iced tea?”
    Tessa forced herself to stand still, hoping it would break the pull his body had on hers and guard her heart. It didn’t help. She wanted to be alone so she could order her thoughts, cry out her grief, scream at the

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