Isn't that the project that was causing a big protest among several local civil- and social-service groups a while back? Something about the construction of the tracks interfering with plans to build a proposed community center, mission, and a substance-abuse treatment center?”
“Yes, Bethany Village is what it was called. It was a radical concept developed by some local businessmen and human-service workers that would transform an entire deserted city block into a haven for the young, the old, the poor, and the abandoned.”
“That's right! Bethany Village! How could I forget? I donated a lot of money to that cause. A local charitable group, Citizens' Alliance of Shepherd Hills, initiated it, right?”
“Yes, CASH, for short,” Anthony mumbled.
“I never did understand why the politicians changed their support for that worthwhile and crucial project,” Pastor Green mused. “Only our good member Councilman Walter Banks stood up against the opponents. I always wondered who talked the city board out of approving the final plans.”
“I did.” Anthony sat quiet for a moment, watching the confusion grow on Pastor Green's face before continuing. “Councilman Banks has been a friend and a mentor to me since my parents' death, and I'm ashamed to admit that I secretly went against him and all he taught me. When AGS Railroad approached Shaw Enterprises about leading their marketing campaign for the station extension to Stonymill Mall, I initially refused. I knew about Bethany Village, and in my heart I knew that it was a noble and necessary endeavor. CASH had even sought our services, but of course they could not offer the compensation that AGS Railroad could.
“I received pressure from both my company and the executives at AGS not only to accept the marketing campaign but also to lobby at the city and state government levels for its completion. In turn, someone anonymously gave me a total of one-point-five million dollars, some of which I used to ‘talk’] to a few of the politicians who supported Bethany Village.
“I know it was stupid of me to get involved, but all I could see was dollar signs. I didn't think of the illegality or the immorality of bribery and deceit. I justified it by convincing myself that Bethany Village could be built somewhere else. Of course I knew that the planned site for Bethany Village was the best, if not the only, location for it to be built in this area. I guess I just figured that God could open doors for them elsewhere, and I could use the money to do bigger things for the Kingdom. I even tried to donate some of the bribe money I received to CASH, but of course I didn't feel better.”
“Anthony—” Compassion sounded through Pastor Green's voice, but Anthony quickly interrupted.
“Pastor Green,” he cried, “do you realize that for the past six months I've been living a lie? When I accepted that bribe, I took on the burden of my life. And rather than giving it back, I passed it on, causing others to fall alongside me. I know that God is not pleased. Every day I wake up afraid that the whole thing is going to get out, that the wrong words will get into the wrong ears, the wrong papers into the wrong hands. Could you imagine if the media got involved? How could I preach? I don't know ... I can't…What do I…” Anthony's words faded as he bit hard into his lip, his shoulders shaking. “I wasn't thinking about how everything in my life could be ruined, not to mention the plans for Bethany Village. I'm sorry, God. I'm so sorry.”
Pastor Green's reassuring voice never quivered, although a slight question remained in his eyes. “I'm sure that you have gone to God to seek forgiveness. Repentance is more than an apology; it's a complete change in direction.” He stood up and walked to where Anthony was seated. He patted a hand on his shoulder before continuing. “And you must seek God's direction for coming clean before the church, the community, and the law. God