Line of Fire

Line of Fire by Simone Anderson Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Line of Fire by Simone Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simone Anderson
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
shook his head, but did as he was told. Hayden pulled back the bandages and dropped the bloody gauze pads on the ground. Angry red lines had begun to creep out from the wound. Hayden brushed his fingers over the skin lightly and swore. Bending closer, he fanned the area over the gash and swore again.
    “It’s infected,” Hayden said flatly. If they didn’t get out soon, Christian’s life would be in danger.
    Using some of Christian’s remaining water, he rinsed the wound before drying it, applied more antibiotic ointment and redressed it. Hayden brushed his thumb lightly over the part of Christian’s elbow before disposing of the bloodied waste. Thirty-five minutes later, two more team members arrived.
    Christian greeted Jason Morganstern warmly and Hayden pushed back the unfamiliar twinges of jealousy. He turned away from the reunion between friends and scanned the area. Acknowledging Brian and Neal’s return, he continued to scan the jungle terrain.
    “Save your strength,” Brian whispered clamping him on the shoulder, facing towards the small group. “Found the team.”
    Hayden nodded. He didn’t ask the question. He didn’t need to. Brian and Neal had found part of the team, not the rest of the team. One word. But he knew his friend well enough to know what was being said and not said. Not everyone had made it to the extraction point. This close to potential enemies, there would be a communications blackout. And there was no way to know where the rest of the team was.
    The small group joined their teammates, mentally noting who was still missing. Lieutenant Ellison ordered a perimeter watch set, while Tyler tended the wounded. The medic agreed that infection had set in, but wanted to hold off stitching it closed until they were back in civilization. Christian had the only gunshot wound so far, but one of the other guys had an animal bite and assorted scratches and lacerations.
    Hayden rolled his shoulders and turned his attention back to the large group of Brazilian soldiers milling about the grass-covered tarmac. With their laid-back posture, it would be easy to underestimate them. They needed to avoid confrontation if at all possible. The kid was now running a fever in addition to the broken legs and God only knew what else was wrong with him.
    “All in,” Brian said crouching down beside him.
    “Ellison called the limo.”
    Hayden smiled and nodded.
    “Go on. Go see the boy. Everyone is getting antsy.” Brian smiled. “He’s a good SEAL.”
    “He’s a good man,” Hayden replied lowering his voice.
    “We’ve worked together before. I’ll agree that he’s a good man, but that doesn’t mean he’s a good lover or partner. Or good enough for you.”
    “I’m so not having this discussion with you. Especially not here.”
    “Someone has to look out for you. You’ve done worse.”
    “Gee thanks, dad.”
    Brian punched him lightly in the arm and sent him back to where the rest of their team gathered, talking in hushed voices. Three hours later, tensions mounted as three Russian-made Mi-24’s with the markings of the Brazilian Air Force and an American Sea Stallion approached the airfield. The Sea Stallion settled at the far end of the field, barely touching down before the door slid open and two men jumped out and motioned towards them.
    Weapons up and ready, Hayden and three others ran forward, dropping to one knee in the grass, looking for any of De Luisa’s men. Scanning the area, he watched the litter approach the helicopter. Movement at the edge of the jungle caught his attention. Bringing the Colt 727up, he tightened his grip, took aim and pressed the trigger slightly. Holding his breath, he waited.
    “Fall back! Load up!” The order was shouted over the com system.
    Hayden hesitated. The movement stopped. Loosening his grip, Hayden backed up several steps before turning and running, launching himself up into the Sea Stallion .
    “Well, that was fun,”

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