Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance)

Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance) by J A Fielding Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Line Of Trust (BWWM Interracial Romance) by J A Fielding Read Free Book Online
Authors: J A Fielding
of her cousin. She always thought that Desiree deserved better.
    When Desiree and Taylor got to his place, she was a little more tired than usual. She wanted to go have a long shower and maybe a soak in the tub, anything to release her tense muscles. She walked into the living room and slumped down on the couch.
    “You look exhausted,” Taylor said as he walked into the living room. She smiled and looked up at him.
    “ I am,” she said in an quiet voice. He sat down next to her and looked at her. “Turn around,” he said. She turned around and sat with her back to him. She closed her eyes as she felt him sweeping her hair off to one side of her neck before he began massaging her slowly. She couldn't help but let out a long soft moan as she felt him working out the tight knots in her neck and shoulders. 
    “ That feels so great,” she said in a low voice.
    “ I’m glad to be of service,” he said.
    “ I know you were really looking forward to this movie night but would you mind if I had a shower first?” she asked.
    “ Of course not. That will give me time to get a nice dinner ready. I really didn’t want to order in tonight. I have been living on pizza for almost an entire week,” he said smiling.
    “ That’s what you get for ignoring me for the past week,” Desiree thought but she didn't dare say it. She turned around and gave Taylor a quick kiss before she walked upstairs. She quickly got out of her clothes and jumped in the shower. She could feel the tension draining away as she stood under the running water. As she stood there, she thought of the day that had been and sighed.
    “ That shack you call an apartment...”
    That was what Mark thought of the place she took so much pride in calling her own. She felt a burning sting as she thought back to when she and Rochelle were in foster care, the way she hated being in the system, partly because they never really found the loving caring parents they hoped for, and also because no one could ever compare to her mother. She had always dreamed of working hard and getting herself and her sister out of foster care and now that she had, nothing made her happier than knowing that everything she had, she had worked her ass off for.
    She took a long deep breath and leaned against the cool tiles of the bathroom as she thought of how different her life would have been if she had accepted Mark’s offer. She would no longer just have to pitch in on Rochelle’s tuition, but she would be all in. She would start up her own business...a catering company, she had always wanted something like that, and then she would shop every chance she got. She would make sure she dressed in all the best designer clothes, carried all the fancy bags and....she sighed as the realization hit her. That was all rich people did. Shop and look good before they drowned their sorrows at the end of the day in martinis because there wasn'thing else they had to do because they were that empty.
    One thing Desiree knew was that she didn't want to become one of those women – one of those ill-mannered do-gooder Stepford Wives. She was fine with who she was. She had a great life. She had worked hard to be the woman she was and she had done everything in her power to make sure that she and her younger sister wanted for nothing. She had lived a life worth every bit of the respect that Mark didn't give her. And the fact that he had been born to the “greatness” he so marveled at didn't mean that he had any right to despise people who were born in different situations. That was what she thought; that was the truth of the matter. She took another deep long breath before she turned off the water.
    As she walked out of the bathroom, she felt so much lighter, so much better than she had before she went in. She was sure of one thing, Mark would never be a problem for her again – not because she planned on getting a

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