Live Free Or Die: America (and the World) on the Brink

Live Free Or Die: America (and the World) on the Brink by Sean Hannity Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Live Free Or Die: America (and the World) on the Brink by Sean Hannity Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sean Hannity
will never be complete. We can never rest because the left will never rest. It’s who they are and who they will always be. To save America, they must be defeated in the battle of ideas and the ballot box.
    Just look at how disconnected the Democrats’ current program is from the concerns and values of the American people. Does a majority of our countrymen want to elect self-proclaimed socialists to office? Do most Americans embrace radical environmentalist policies that would bankrupt the nation and eliminate all fossil fuels? Do they want a government-guaranteed universal basic income? Do they glorify late-term abortion, even post-birth abortion (such as Governor Northam’s position on infanticide)? Are they demanding open borders and the abolition of ICE, welfare benefits for illegal aliens, and the elimination of private health insurance?
    If the last fifteen or twenty years have shown us anything, it is that the left means business and their business includes wiping away American exceptionalism and the unique ideas that have made this nation the freest and most prosperous in history.
    I cannot overstate the left’s intentions and the devastating consequences we will face if Democrats regain control of the presidency and Congress in 2020. I can’t emphasize enough how concerned I am by the unmistakable trends we can all now plainly see and how imperative it is that we reelect President Donald Trump in 2020 along with resounding Republican majorities in both houses of Congress. Our children’s future depends on it.

    When I began writing this book the coronavirus had not yet reached pandemic proportions, but the American left’s rapid acceleration toward socialism had long since begun. While President Trump’s America-first, capitalist agenda was making great strides in beating back this socialist menace, the national emergency fed the left’s enthusiasm for an expansion of federal powers. They eagerly exploited the crisis to try to cram their massive leftist agenda down our throats, including a smorgasbord of transformative Green New Deal items that had zero connection to the virus. Nancy Pelosi even said the coronavirus should open the door to adopting a universal basic income. 1 Their response to the crisis should have focused on saving lives and minimizing the economic damage, but it only whet their appetites for more federal control over our money and our lives.
    As the virus was approaching peak levels in America, with hundreds of thousands being infected and tens of thousands dying, President Trump urged governors to take charge of their own states, assuring them that the federal government would provide adequate production and stockpiling of equipment for distribution to the states as needed. Some criticized Trump for being too authoritative while others were demanding he be more so. Though Trump threatened to put the federal hammer on certain recalcitrant companies to up their productionof certain supplies, the threats themselves were usually effective without further action, and throughout he assured Americans he strongly preferred to defer to the governors to manage their own states.
    So even during a declared federal emergency, President Trump’s conservative instincts guided him to resist exercising excessive power—and this applied not just to management of the medical supply chain but also to decisions to shut down and reopen economies, which he largely left to the discretion of the states. While the success of Trump’s approach validates our federalist constitutional structure, Democrats will argue that only the federal government could keep the nation financially afloat during this period, and that this proves the glories of central planning.
    The left will look back on this dark period as evidence of the wonders of federal power without lamenting the loss of individual liberty that always ensues. Conservatives, by contrast, will regard it as a time

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