London Harmony: Water Gypsy

London Harmony: Water Gypsy by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: London Harmony: Water Gypsy by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
again, varying the tempo and trying to slip into the sweet spot where my voice just took over from my mind and body. Where it could make the words into real music that could touch people, share something of me with them.
    I was about to throw the papers when my mobile buzzed. I didn't even look. “Hiya Paya.”
    There was a pause. “Whoa, who nicked your last biscuit?”
    I smiled and let my frustration bleed out of me. “Terribly sorry. Just so bloody frustrated with this lesson. I feel like a poser if this is what music really is.”
    She almost snapped, “Nonsense, you are bloody brill woman. I wish I had your voice and the conviction and feeling you put behind it. Now, get yourself gussied up, we're doing karaoke tonight Tabs.”
    I groaned. “Payaaaa. Why not just go out clubbing instead?”
    She said in a cute sing song manner, “Because I... want to sing. Be a good girl and get ready, we'll be at the road in an hour.” An hour? I realized that my room was getting darker, it was twilight outside. Shite! I had practiced the day away.
    I sighed. “Ok. Fine. But I'm not going to like it.”
    I could hear the grin in her voice. “Bollocks, you love it and you know it.”
    I shook my head with a crooked smile and said, “I hate that you know me so well.”
    This got an explosive giggle. “No you don't. One hour.” Then my evil best friend rang off.
    I said sarcastically, “Oh goody.” Then chuckled as I got ready for the night, knowing she was right, I'd most likely have fun. I needed some fun after a frustrating day singing. A part of me added, “Besides, I can still practice for 'her' tomorrow.” Where the bloody hell did that come from?
    An hour later I was out at the lane, pulling up a pant leg and thumbing for a ride from the silver truck that was pulling to the curb. Paya was laughing as she opened the door and scooted over for me to join them. “Get in here before someone sees you, you git.” I smiled hugely at her and Harry. Her better half just kept his eyes dutifully on the road, fighting a grin he knew would earn him a backhand to the gut from his girl.
    It was brilliant, I hadn't laughed so much in a long time, Paya always knew how to keep my spirits up. The whole night I was thinking about reading that amazing book and working on my vocals for the green-eyed headmistress. Still wondering why she was doing this and feeling hurt that the only thing I could think of was that I was a charity case for her.
    Sundays were my Tabitha days, I'd usually laze the day away, just listening to music and working on my own. My mind kept drifting from a new song I had been working on, Heart of Ice. I was creating an instrumental for it in Garage Band, but that bloody book was calling to me like a siren luring my ship to the rocks. I finally rolled my eyes at myself and put everything down and grabbed it and started reading chapter two.
    I found myself practicing that damn impossible lesson, after a light lunch of fruit and bread with a couple cold cuts on it. I was almost in tears by the time the night generator-time came. Apply yourself she had said. I was so close but why couldn't I make those two trouble spots click? I threw the papers down onto my mattress in frustration. Teresa was going to be disappointed that I couldn't get this one thing right. I truly didn't wish to let the confusing woman down.
    I smiled at my memory of her standing in that doorway, blocking my exit. Her eyes, there was something in them I can't explain. And those lips. I caught my hand drifting slowly downwards from my belly. Bloody hell Tabitha!
    I took a deep breath, pushing my arousal away as I plugged my devices in to charge. Did I find the woman sexy? I closed my eyes tight and nodded reluctantly. Of course I do, I can never fall for the women I actually have a snowball's chance in hell with. I licked my lips nervously and doubled my efforts on the lesson.
    I woke up shivering at four in the morning on top of my covers. I had

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