Loneliness Trilogy Bundle Boxset

Loneliness Trilogy Bundle Boxset by Alison Cole Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Loneliness Trilogy Bundle Boxset by Alison Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Cole
Tags: Erótica
driving from England proper to far-flung areas like Scotland, Wales, North England, South England and even Ireland. We have sleepers on our bus, so, when Marcus decides to join us, he claims a bed not far from mine. Of course, we can’t do anything together on the bus, but just having him nearby is sufficient. He sits to the side of the stage whenever we perform, just as he’s done for every practice we’ve held since Laslow joined the band. On the bus, he sits right behind me, working on his articles. I work on my crochet or I listen to recordings of music we are currently learning. Always, when we aren’t listening to our music, crocheting, sleeping or writing, the five of us chat and laugh uproariously. Marcus and I take special pains to keep from spending too much time together or gazing at each other - the lesson of Gemma and the talks that we had with the band’s members have made a strong impression on each of us. I am not about to be kicked out of The Lonely Lovers! Under no circumstances will I let that happen. And I don’t think Marcus wants to be banned from joining us at practices, concerts or our tours, so we work hard to put forth the facade that we are nothing more than friends. This means that our times together are limited to when we are at home. As the weeks and months move on into summer, more and more of our things find their way into each other’s flats. Of course, when group members visit, we have to run madly around and hide what isn’t ours so we aren’t found out!
    And the lovemaking! It stays just as hot as it was the first few times. In fact, when I find out that Marcus is twelve years older than me, I have to stop and catch my breath. Oh, my God! He’s so vital and energetic, both in and out of bed. We keep up with each other, although at times, we do exhaust each other.
    Several months into our secret relationship, I realize just how special Marcus is becoming to me. His presence in my life is significant and I don’t want to lose that. Therefore, it’s quite ironic that I don’t want to lose him, but I realize that something’s going to have to give.
    I come to this realization when Nigel joins us at one of our practices. He and Tim tell us that they have set up a lengthy tour throughout the U.S. This is our dream come true! I have always dreamed of touring the U.S. music mecca as a British musical artist. So, when Nigel tells us what’s pending, I jump, holler and whoop with the rest of the lads. In the back of my mind, I realize that, if Marcus joins us in the U.S., we won’t be able to sleep together - which means we’re going to have to admit to everything to Tim, Linny and Laslow.
    In my flat that night, Marcus and I are cuddling on my couch when I broach the topic.
    “If you’re going to join us on tour, we’re going to have to admit to our relationship. Or everyone’s going to get a rude shock when they see one of us coming out of the other’s room some morning,” I tell Marcus.
    “Whoa, I’m glad you brought this up. They’re not going to be happy, regardless of how they learn we’re a couple.”
    A couple! We’re not just shacking up - we’re actually a couple!
    “D’you want to join us on tour?” I ask.
    “Definitely! I’m just warning you what’s going to happen and it’s not going to be pleasant,” Marcus says.
    “So, this is where your 12-year advantage on me is what you’re leaning on?”
    “You have a lot of experience of the world, Johanna, but in matters like this, a revelation such as you want to make will backfire on both of us.”
    “Hmmm. I think differently, Marcus. I feel like once we admit to them that we’ve become a couple, they’ll know we’re serious about each other and not just fooling around.”
    “Please give this a little more thought, luv. I…care deeply for you and I don’t want to lose this special relationship we have. If you decide you must tell, let me know first - so I can pull both of us out of the way,”

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