door. “Caroline? It’s me. Are you okay? Are you awake?”
She pulled the door open with a quick yank. He slipped inside, his saddlebag slung over his shoulder again. “Where did you go? Is everything okay?”
He glanced at her, clearly confused. “Yeah? Why wouldn’t it be?”
“You were gone,” she said, her arms slipping around her waist. “I woke up and you were gone. I thought— I thought you were gone.”
“For lunch,” he said, gesturing at the saddlebag, “And to move my bike. It’s distinctive, if someone’s looking for me, and I thought it would be better off parked somewhere, you know, where it wouldn’t lead directly back to you.” He reached out and touched her hair, delicately and softly. “I’ll say good-bye. When it’s time to go. I’ll say good-bye.”
The moment of tenderness rocked her back on her heels. He smiled deeply, calm and steady, into her eyes, and everything inside of her just melted. All the hurt, all the pain, all the times she’d screwed up with guys, said the wrong thing or been in the wrong place at the wrong time or just had that moment when everything she said fell completely flat as everyone stared at her in total confusion—all of it fell away, and she stood before him, naked and safe and peaceful.
When he leaned in and kissed her, it was rough, hard, and fast. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tight against him, his tongue telling her that he wanted to lick her mouth, instead of asking.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, opening to him with a sigh, letting him deep inside. “I’ll say good-bye,” he said again, his voice harsh. “I promise, Caro. I won’t leave you wondering. You’re worth so much more than that to me.”
“You don’t even know me,” she said. “I’m a pain in the ass. I’m demanding. I’m awkward in social situations. I don’t know anything but numbers.”
“You’re a wildcat in bed, and you’re trying to help me out of what could be the worst situation in my life.” He grinned, touching his forehead to hers. “I don’t know what’s come before for you, and I don’t know what comes next for me, but I’m here now. I’m not going yet.”
She relished him for one more moment, and then took the step back that they both needed. He tried to hold her for a moment, but then released her with a quiet nod.
“So what’s our next step, do you think?” Mason said. “I could just start hitting heads together until someone talks, but that’s not the most reliable plan, especially if you think this guy could be dangerous.”
“I think we find the account these are going to,” Caroline said, smoothing her hair down and finding a smile. “We find out who opened it. And that tells us who the ringleader is.” She sighed, looked away, and looked back. “It is possible that there’s more than one of the brothers involved. Something this complex, going on this long… it’s very likely we’ve just uncovered the tip of the iceberg.”
“Okay. How do we do that?”
She thought a moment, and then she started to smile. “I think I know a guy who knows a guy.”
A normal person wouldn’t have worked on Saturday just to keep client files up to snuff, update the company blog, and search out new resources that might be of help to the start-ups in their area. But then, no one at Second Chances was exactly normal. Caroline knew exactly where she’d find Jack. She didn’t even text ahead.
Mason insisted on driving in with her, just in case she encountered any kind of trouble along the way. She didn’t argue. It was sweet. And she couldn’t argue for the danger of the whole situation on one hand, and then refuse the need for protection on the other. It wouldn’t fly.
He did agree to wait in the car, though, while she went inside to talk to Jack.
Jack was at his desk, and he didn’t look up when the bell