Lord Edgeware Dies

Lord Edgeware Dies by Agatha Christie Read Free Book Online

Book: Lord Edgeware Dies by Agatha Christie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Agatha Christie
night about eleven. He opened the library door, but it was dark, so he thought his master had gone to bed. This morning the body was discovered by a housemaid. Stabbed in the back of the neck just at the roots of the hair.”
    “Was there no cry? Nothing heard?”
    “They say not. That library's got pretty well sound-proof doors, you know. And there's traffic passing, too. Stabbed in that way, death results amazing quick. Straight through the cistern into the medulla, that's what the doctor said - or something very like it. If you hit on exactly the right spot it kills a man instantaneously.”
    “That implies a knowledge of exactly where to strike. It almost implies medical knowledge.”
    “Yes - that's true. A point in her favor as far as it goes. But ten to one it was a chance. She just struck lucky. Some people do have amazing luck, you know.”
    “Not so lucky if it results in her being hanged, mon ami,” observed Poirot.
    “No. Of course she was a fool - sailing in like that and giving her name and all.”
    “Indeed, very curious.”
    “Possibly she didn't intend mischief. They quarrelled and she whipped out a penknife and jabbed him one.”
    “Was it a penknife?”
    “Something of that kind, the doctor says. Whatever it was, she took it away with her. It wasn't left in the wound.”
    Poirot shook his head in a dissatisfied manner.
    “No, no, my friend, it was not like that. I know the lady. She would be quite incapable of such a hot-blooded impulsive action. Besides, she would be most unlikely to have a penknife with her. Few women have - and assuredly not Jane Wilkinson.”
    “You know her, you say, M. Poirot?”
    “Yes. I know her.”
    He said no more for the moment. Japp was looking at him inquisitively.
    “Got something up your sleeve, M. Poirot?” he ventured at last.
    “Ah!” said Poirot. “That reminds me. What has brought you to me? Eh? It is not merely to pass the time of day with an old comrade? Assuredly not. You have here a nice straightforward murder. You have the criminal. You have the motive - what exactly is the motive, by the way?”
    “Wanted to marry another man. She was heard to say so not a week ago. Also heard to make threats. Said she meant to call round in a taxi and bump him off.”
    “Ah!” said Poirot. “You are very well informed - very well informed. Someone has been very obliging.”
    I thought his eyes looked a question, but if so, Japp did not respond.
    “We get to hear things, M. Poirot,” he said stolidly.
    Poirot nodded. He had reached out for the daily paper. It had been opened by Japp, doubtless while he was waiting, and had been cast impatiently aside on our entry. In a mechanical manner, Poirot folded it back at the middle page, smoothed and arranged it. Though his eyes were on the paper, his mind was deep in some kind of puzzle.
    “You have not answered,” he said presently. “Since all goes in the swimming fashion, why come to me?”
    “Because I heard you were at Regent Gate yesterday morning.”
    “I see.”
    “Now, as soon as I heard that, I said to myself, 'Something here.' His lordship sent for M. Poirot. Why? What did he suspect? What did he fear? Before doing anything definite, I'd better go round and have a word with him.”
    “What do you mean by 'anything definite?' Arresting the lady, I suppose.”
    “You have not seen her yet?”
    “Oh! yes, I have. Went round to the Savoy first thing. Wasn't going to risk her giving us the slip.”
    “Ah!” said Poirot. “So you -”
    He stopped. His eyes, which had been fixed thoughtfully and up to now unseeingly on the paper in front of him, now took on a different expression. He lifted his head and spoke in a changed tone of voice.
    “And what did she say? Eh! my friend. What did she say?”
    “I gave her the usual stuff, of course, about wanting a statement and cautioning her - you can't say the English police aren't fair.”
    “In my opinion foolishly so. But proceed. What

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