Lord of Vengeance

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Book: Lord of Vengeance by Adrian Lara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrian Lara
meet with the leader of these thieves, in battle, the attack would be called off.” He paused, gauging the group, then said soberly, “'Tis the baron they want...mayhap 'tis the baron they should get.”
    A knight about Nigel's age laughed out loud. “Oh, aye! A brilliant plan. We can't bloody well throw Baron d'Bussy to the wolves now, can we?”
    The men turned expectantly to Nigel, who remained silent as he lounged back in his seat, the look in his eyes chilling in its blankness.
    “Christ Almighty,” hissed the knight beside him in disbelief. “There's only one man here who's lost his mind and I warrant 'tis not the baron.”
    The other men exchanged looks of discomfort at the treacherous turn the conversation had taken before Nigel broke the awkwardness with a broad, mirthful smile and waved for a page to bring more ale. “My, but you are suspicious tonight, Evard.” He slapped his hand firmly on the older man's shoulder. “Your hasty assessment of my loyalty wounds me to my core, old friend.”
    Evard's face slowly relaxed and he chuckled at Nigel's quip.
    After the page made his way around the table filling each cup, Nigel raised his tankard in the older knight's direction. “I drink to your health, my good friend, for your ghastly pallor troubles me much.”
    Nigel had just put the cup to his lips when a woman's shriek sounded from the gallery above the hall. All heads turned upward.
    “Fire!” she screamed, pointing wildly over her shoulder toward the chambers. “The village is afire!”
    The hall erupted in angry war cries as the baron's retinue scrambled to their feet, toppling benches as each man readied for a long-anticipated confrontation with the raiders.
    Beside Raina on the dais, her father rose from his chair, his expressionless face ashen. Within moments, Nigel was standing before them, smiling with the devil's own triumph. “Will you give the order now, milord? Before the bastard makes further mockery of your rule?”
    “Aye,” the baron consented tersely. “Assemble the men. Assemble them all!”
    With a jubilant call to gather arms, Nigel dashed from the hall, followed by a good number of the baron's men.
    “And ready my mount,” the baron called after him. “This battle I shall fight myself.”
    Raina placed her hand on her father's arm. “Papa, please, don't go. Let Nigel and your men meet these raiders. They are younger, more suited to fighting than you. Please, I cannot bear the thought of your meeting with harm.”
    “Nor can I bear the thought of any ill befalling you--the very reason I intend to see this bedevilment ended tonight. Don't fret, child. You'll be safe enough here in the keep with my guards.”
    Raina could manage only the weakest smile as he placed a kiss on the back of her hand. Then, with a swirl of his mantle, the baron stepped off the dais and crossed the hall to the bustling courtyard where his men awaited their lord.
    Raina's chest soon resonated with the clatter of horses' hooves as her father and his army crossed the drawbridge that separated Norworth Castle from the village at the base of the great motte. She chewed at her lip as the cries of the men grew increasingly distant.
    Unable to stand not knowing what lay beyond the protection of her home, she hurried to the keep stairwell. From the chambers abovestairs, the height of Norworth's tower would give her the best view of the village and the fate of her father and his men.
    * * *
    From his vantage point on a hill just a furlong west of Norworth Castle, Gunnar watched as more than two score men thundered out of the curtain wall and down the hill to the burning village below. They called a battle cry, brandishing their weapons, some carrying pitch torches to light the way. From the number of departing soldiers, Gunnar adjudged the baron had dispersed most, if not all, of his garrison to combat the raid.
    He smiled.
    While he would have battled the entire retinue to get to d'Bussy, he was no fool.

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