Lost Dreams

Lost Dreams by Jude Ouvrard Read Free Book Online

Book: Lost Dreams by Jude Ouvrard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jude Ouvrard
came to pay the bill, I was anxious about how much I'd spent. I didn’t really want to look, not sure I was ready to face the reality. I got my credit card out of my wallet and handed it to the cashier, sneaking a peak at the total on the register. Oh crap! I'd purchased over two hundreds worth of clothes, in fact, the amount was closer to three hundred. It was a lot of money but I decided it was worth the expense. This was going to help me integrate into the woman I was now I'd left the Army and besides, it had made me happy. I was excited about the new clothes and couldn’t wait to show Carter how pretty I could be.
    ''Thank you, Megan. I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown when you started picking out clothes, but now, I’m thankful you suggested the idea.''
    ''Not a problem, it's my pleasure. Next step is taking photos.''
    I blushed. ''Yes, lots of them.''
    Juliet woke up from her little nap and announced she was hungry. We walked to the food court and I went to purchase lunch, while Megan found us a table.
    Juliet was sitting on Megan's lap when I arrived at the table with the food. ''Ave, Ave,'' Juliet kept saying and I thought it was the cutest thing I'd ever heard. I was really touched by her attempts at my name, because I'd only known her for a short period of time. I was beginning to feel like a part of their family and it was a strange feeling. Apart from Carter and Remy, I didn’t have many close friends. I realized I'd been pretty isolated up until now, with only my boys providing friendship and company.
    We ate our burgers and salads before we continued our shopping spree. After lunch, Juliet wanted to walk and burn off some of her energy. Megan and I followed her around the mall until we reached one of Megan's favorite stores.
    ''Come here, Juliet.'' Megan said, trying to convince Juliet to get back in the stroller.  The little girl made it clear she didn’t want to, obviously enjoying running around way too much to sit still.
    ''Ave!'' She looked at me with her arms in the air. I was stunned when I realized she wanted me to pick her up. Of course! I lifted her into my arms and relished the way she hugged my neck tightly. I was falling in love with this little girl, she was adorable and my arm was letting me know how big she was getting.
    ''Avery, I’m going to go and try on some clothes, do you mind watching Juliet?''
    '' Of course not,'' I answered. It was the least I could do.
    She had about ten items to try on, so the wait wasn’t going to be as long as it had been with me. After this store, we had plans to go to the children's clothing store and I was very excited about it. Juliet was a toddler and in my way of thinking, she was still so tiny. I couldn’t wait to look at the small girly clothes. I'd never been in a children's clothing store before, and I was surprised to discover I couldn't wait to study all the miniature clothes designed especially for babies. It was a foreign concept, but one which intrigued me. When Megan came out of the dressing room, she handed half the clothes to the clerk and paid for her purchases. I waited outside with Juliet and the stroller until she appeared, laden down with shopping bags.
    ''Are you girls ready for Juliet shopping time now?''
    ''Yes, I want new pyjamas.'' Juliet said in her cute little voice.
    The children's store was only few doors down and I was as excited as Juliet when we entered. Juliet touched everything which had glitter on it and if the repetitive chanting of the word 'pink' was any indication, she had settled on the color she wanted. She needed quite a few things, Megan had a list which included everything from the pyjamas Juliet had mentioned, through to new socks.
    I wandered around the store and discovered the baby clothes in one section. They were so incredibly small and cute. I couldn’t wait to come back here for my own baby. I was so looking forward to Carter's return, I wanted to make babies with him and couldn't wait to

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