Lost Love

Lost Love by Maryse Dawson Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Lost Love by Maryse Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maryse Dawson
My thoughts were elsewhere. I will be more careful," John apologized.
    "Prithee, milord, he dost wish to keep all his limbs this day." Bayard laughed, watching them both.
    Owain glanced at him. "Mayhap thee should take over as it amuses thee so?"
    Bayard waved a hand in the air dismissively. "Nay, carry on.'Tis most entertaining. Besides, thou need the practice."
    Owain emitted a low growl and suddenly swung his sword at the unsuspecting Bayard, narrowly missing his abdomen.
    Bayard's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. "God's bones man! I was only joking!" he declared.
    John rolled his eyes and stepped between them, his sword pointed at one, his outstretched hand to the other. "Desist! I wanted to practice swordplay, not listen to thee two arguing akin to two old crones. Now take thy position and we willst practice together."
    He pushed all thoughts of Arabella from his mind and concentrated purely on his moves, swinging his sword through the air and relishing the clash of steel on steel.
    * * *
    It was midday and Arabella, sitting at the dais, stared down at the food in front of her and pulled a face.
    "Is something amiss, milady?" she heard John ask, sitting next to her. She turned to face him and narrowed her eyes.
    "This is tripe!"
    "Aye, I asked for it to be prepared especially."
    She blinked quickly. "Thou knowest I detest this dish!"
    He looked up to the ceiling and pondered before staring back at her. "Nay, I know no such thing."
    But she knew he remembered. She could see it in his eyes. She could feel the anger rise like a bubbling cauldron. He'd done it on purpose to provoke her. She watched, as he raised his fork to his lips and chewed on a piece of the odious innards. Her father had made her eat some once, and she clearly remembered John finding it very amusing. Well, perhaps he would find this just as amusing. She lifted the trencher up and tipped the contents straight over his head. The liquid dripped down his face, and pieces of tripe sat atop his head, others sliding down his long hair to become entwined in the strands.
    For a moment he didn't move, but then his hand shot out, and he captured her wrist. "Very foolish, milady." His eyes had turned as dark as coal.
    "It was well deserved." She tried to pull her wrist away, but his grip was strong and made movement impossible. "Let me go!"
    "Nay. Thou will come with me." Within his vice like grip, Arabella had no choice but to do as he bid. Several of the knights watched them leave, some with smirks on their faces, others disapproval. Arabella felt her face flush with embarrassment, but it worried John not.
    He strode out of the main hall, into the inner bailey and then straight towards the main gate. The guards opened the gates at his bidding, whilst Arabella stumbled to keep up with his long gait.
    "Whither thou goest?" she asked.
    "Thee will find out in a moment."
    He finally came to a halt in front of the river. It took Arabella only seconds to work out what he had planned.
    "No! Do not dare….argh!"
    Without a word he jumped straight into the deep water, taking her with him. She held her breath as she went under and came up spluttering and floundering on the surface. "Thou lout!" she spat between mouthfuls of water.
    He trod water next to her and then disappeared beneath the surface, flicking his long, tripe-free hair off his face when he came back up. Even though she was fuming, she couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked. Annoyed with herself, she turned her back on him and swam to the river bank, which was extremely hard going, because her water logged skirts weighed a ton. Hoisting herself up she pulled herself out of the water and onto dry land. She lay on her back, panting from the exertion.
    John joined her moments later and lay down next to her, his hands behind his head. "Didst thou enjoy thy swim?"
    Arabella grit her teeth before answering. "Nay."
    "Then mayhap thee will refrain from putting thy repast on my head in future."

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