Love and Food

Love and Food by K.L. Prince Read Free Book Online

Book: Love and Food by K.L. Prince Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.L. Prince
                  “He cheated again.”
                  “Exactly.  Need I say more?”
    “I get what you are saying and I am well aware of my stance against cheaters, but the situation with Kyle and me is a little different.”
    “How so?”
    “Well, you and Craig had only dated for a little while.  You and Craig didn’t have the history that Kyle and I have.  You were with Craig for maybe a year.  Kyle and I have been together for seven years.  You didn’t think that Craig was your soul mate.  I believe that Kyle is my soul mate.  I believe that we were made for each other.  You were nowhere near marrying Craig, I’m supposed to marry Kyle in two months.  You see where I’m going with this?”
    “Alright.  I hear what you’re saying, but Haillee, please be careful.  I’m a strong believer that if he’s going to cheat, it’s because there is some underlying issue or problem.  The issue is probably with him and he’s probably not even aware of what it is.  Whatever the problem is, if he doesn’t get it resolved, I’m sorry to say that you’re probably doomed.”
    “Well aren’t you a bright shining light of hope and optimism,” she says, chuckling.  Her friend has always been one to look on the dark side of things.
    “Girl, I’m a realist.  In my opinion, happy people don’t cheat.”
    “You’re probably right.  Happy people probably don’t cheat, but the problems don’t just lie with Kyle.  I made some mistakes along the way.”
    “Please don’t tell me that you’re blaming yourself for what Kyle did.  Did he convince you that what he did is your fault?”
    “Not at all, but he did say that I wasn’t spending enough time with him and after thinking about it, he’s was right.  I had been blowing him off because I’ve been so wrapped up with things at the restaurant.”
    “So you’re saying, that if you don’t have time for your boyfriend because you’re busy working, that gives him license to cheat?”
    “Monica, come on, you know that’s not what I’m saying.”
    “Sorry.  I’m just pissed off about the way that Kyle has treated you.  What he did was wrong and there is nothing that you could possibly say that will be reason enough for him to cheat on you.”
    “You’re such a loyal friend.  Thank you for looking out for me, but things between Kyle and I are complicated.  It’s not all black and white.  It’s a million shades of gray and I’m just trying to wade my way through it all.”
    “You should have just dumped his ass and everything would be very simple.  You start over and find someone that would kiss the ground you walk on.  Easy-peasy, as far as I’m concerned.”
    “I wish that I could have just washed my hands of him, but I still love him.”
    “Some things trump love in my opinion.  Cheating trumps love all day,” Monica says and shakes her head.
    “I felt the same way until this all happened.  I used to think that if I ever found out that Kyle cheated on me, I would end everything in a heartbeat.  I used to think that wouldn’t think twice about it.  I always imagined that I would slam the door in his face and that would be the end of it, but then he did cheat, and my whole perspective changed.  I just had a change of heart.  It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, right?”
    “Haillee, you know I love you and you know that I will support you one-hundred percent in anything you decide to do.  If you think that staying with Kyle is the right thing to do, I won’t knock you for it.  You are the only one living your life.  What I say or what my opinion is, doesn’t matter.  I can give you advice, but ultimately you have to do what is right for you.  It’s your decision and your decision only.  You want to give Kyle another chance or fifty more chances, I’m behind you and I support you.  You’re my friend and I have your back at all times.”
    “Thank you for not

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