Love at Last (Last Frontier Lodge #2)

Love at Last (Last Frontier Lodge #2) by J.H. Croix Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Love at Last (Last Frontier Lodge #2) by J.H. Croix Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.H. Croix
Sounds like you might have some experience with it.”
    “So happens I used to do this for extra cash when I was in law school. My buddy’s family owned a heating business. I helped out on the weekends,” he explained with a small shrug.
    “Why aren’t you a helpful guy?” she offered, unable to resist the urge to tease.
    Garrett held her gaze. The air around them hummed, a current sizzling to life. Her pulse raced, liquid heat built in her core.
    His eyes darkened and his shoulders rose and fell with a breath. He took a step into the room, closing the door behind him. He moved so swiftly, she didn’t have a chance to think. In a flash, he was at her side, leaning over. His lips caught hers in a searing kiss, his tongue sweeping inside. He pulled away just as swiftly. Her eyes slammed into his. He looked as stunned as she felt, which gave her a tiny degree of comfort.
    He cleared his throat. “I can be pretty helpful…when I want.” The corner of his mouth hooked in a small smile before he turned away. He opened the door and glanced over his shoulder. “See you tomorrow night.”
    She couldn’t speak, so she simply nodded.

    Late that afternoon, Garrett kicked the snow off his boots before stepping into the side hallway by the kitchen. He and Gage had installed two more heaters this afternoon. After heading upstairs for a quick shower, Garrett was about to return downstairs when his phone buzzed. Glancing at the screen, he saw it was his office assistant, Elaine Moss. Elaine had been with him since the beginning. Not only did he appreciate her relentless work ethic, but she was also one of the most practical people he’d ever known. He hesitated for a second before answering because he wasn’t quite ready for reality to intrude. What are you afraid of? Answer the damn phone.
    With a sharp shake of his head, he answered. “Hey Elaine, what’s up?”
    “I figured I’d better call you since you haven’t called to check in yet and you haven’t answered any of my emails.” Elaine’s tone was polite with a hint of frustration.
    Garrett sighed and plunked down on the couch. Gage and Marley had a phenomenal view from their private quarters above the lodge restaurant. The ski slopes were in view with Kachemak Bay visible to the side. Snow was falling softly this afternoon, almost lazily floating down, the snowflakes plump and fluffy.
    “I’m sorry, Elaine. I haven’t been blowing you off on purpose. I know you’re working overtime to cover for me, and I promise you’ll be paid double for every extra hour you put in. I just needed a break. Truth be told, I haven’t even checked my email.”
    Elaine was quiet for a moment. “I didn’t think you were blowing me off on purpose. We’re juggling a lot here with you gone. I’ve handed over your most pressing cases to Olivia Brooks. I know she’s new here, but she’s the only associate who has time to cover. She’s doing a great job so far. Some of your old clients are getting pushy about when you’ll be back. Even though I don’t know why you’re out, I’m telling them it’s a family emergency. That’s about the only thing that shuts people up. Should I start scheduling for you after the month is out?”
    Garrett could feel Elaine’s curiosity burning, but knew she was always gracious and would never push. He ran a hand through his hair, his eyes tracking a raven that flew by the windows. The sun was falling low in the sky, its soft light haloing the spruce trees. He took a breath. “I don’t know, Elaine. I might be out more than a month. I’m sorry.” His mind spun. He’d canceled everything for a month, but now that didn’t seem even close to enough time for him to clear his head. Gage’s comments about why that case got to him kept popping up, making him question if he even wanted to go back to what he’d been doing. That usually led to another round of questions, wondering if he was half out of his mind to walk away from the career

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