Love Finds You in Frost Minnesota

Love Finds You in Frost Minnesota by Judy Baer Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Love Finds You in Frost Minnesota by Judy Baer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Baer
Tags: Minnesota, Love Finds You in Frost
sullied this holiday! But it is a birthday, the birthday of the King of kings! No one leaves my business without knowing that’s what I believe. It’s an opportunity to share with others what Christmas is truly about. It’s my witness.”
    His expression softened. “I realize that.”
    “What do you believe about Christmas, Jack?”
    He stared over her shoulder and out the window, where the winter darkness was total. A bright moon backlit the leafless trees that bordered her yard.
    “It’s a long story, Merry. We should save it for another time.”
    There was firmness in his voice that brooked no argument. There wouldn’t be another time, Merry realized. He didn’t want to talk about it, so he wouldn’t talk about it.
    Pasting her best hostess smile on her face, she said, “Of course. It’s really none of my business anyway. More coffee?”

Chapter Six
    • • • • • • • • • • • •
    Jack watched her make her way around the kitchen in her fluffy slippers. The woman’s entire wardrobe seemed to consist of things that were soft, fuzzy, fluffy, red, or green. She was an unlikely looking businesswoman who was perfect for her job. He’d never run into anyone quite like her . . . fortunately. This much Christmas spirit was going to bring him to his knees.
    Still, to be fair, she didn’t know why Christmas was such a difficult time of year for him. He’d been accused by many women of being somber, aloof, and inscrutable. Ironically that usually made them more interested in him, until they discovered there was no way beneath the tough shell he wore. He cultivated that armor for a reason. It kept him from remembering the day his entire family fell apart.
    He didn’t realize the dog was under the kitchen table until Peppy uncurled himself and thrust his nose from beneath the tablecloth, interrupting Jack’s musings. Peppy stretched, paws forward, and yawned so widely he displayed an entire mouthful of white teeth and pink gums and tongue. If Jack looked fully into that mouth, he’d probably see the inside of the tip of Peppy’s tail.
    The dog then sauntered to the back door and bumped his nose on a string of silver bells Jack hadn’t noticed until now. Merry automatically opened the door and Peppy raced outside.
    “What’s that about?”
    “The bells, you mean? I get involved in things around the store and forget to take poor Peppy out, so I taught him to ring the sleigh bells when he needs to go outside. We’re both happier as a result.”
    He wanted to accuse her of kidding him, but it was obviously true. She had the dog ringing sleigh bells all year long, he’d guess, summer included.
    As if she’d read his mind, she said, “I love hearing sleigh bells in the summer.”
    “You are an incorrigible Christmas addict.”
    Merry’s smile brightened. “I am, aren’t I? Thank you!”
    He hadn’t meant it to be a compliment, just an observation, but Merry looked as if he’d handed her an armful of roses.
    Mentally, he surrendered. He’d never understand this woman. Fortunately he didn’t have to. As soon as he’d straightened out this mess his long-dead relative had made, he could go back to California, where the sun always shone and it was much, much easier to ignore the trappings of Christmas.
    “Maybe I’ll just go upstairs,” Jack said as he pushed away from the table. “I have some reading to do, and I should check in with my business team. I can’t make myself too dispensable or they’ll never notice I’m missing.” He smiled ruefully.
    “You have a nice smile,” Merry blurted. “You should do it more often.” She blushed. “Sorry, I’ve got a big mouth. Or at least one that refuses to stay shut. I didn’t mean to sound so personal. No offense?”
    “None taken.” He’d found it was hard not to smile around this woman, even though those muscles were rarely exercised these days. He hadn’t felt like smiling this much for a very long time.
    Abruptly he pushed away

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