Love In Rewind

Love In Rewind by Tali Alexander Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Love In Rewind by Tali Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tali Alexander
Tags: Romance, Adult, love
believe but hey, what did I know?
    We had breakfast at a small bistro in the heart of the meatpacking district. He chose a cute little corner nook with a tiny little metallic table. It all felt very Parisian.
    "How did you sleep?" Louis asked, raising his perfect eyebrow at me.
    "I didn't!" I answered with a little smirk between bites of my eggs Florentine. He smirked back.
    "Me neither. I know this may seem forward and I'm not saying this to get you to sleep with me, which, I do want very much. But, I feel very juvenile and borderline obsessed about you, little girl. All I could think about and see, and taste and smell all night when I closed my eyes was you." He leaned in and ran the back of his fingers down my cheek. "How do I make sure you're only mine, Emily?" Louis had his left hand laced with my left hand under the table so we could both still eat and hold hands. He continued, "I've had a few girlfriends in my past but I've never felt so possessive about any of them. My head keeps thinking that you already belong to someone else. That you're not real and you're going to disappear on me any minute. Like some cruel joke that the universe is playing on me as payback for being a player."
    I stiffened when he said the word "player" . I needed to stop being a naïve little girl and smell the coffee. Louis Bruel didn't need an eighteen-year-old prude. He needed a six-foot tall model that put out and didn't mind sharing him with her other beautiful model girlfriends.
    "I don't belong to anybody and I'm not going anywhere, Louis, but are you playing me right now? Are you saying what every girl wants to hear, to get me to go to bed with you?" I asked as sweetly as I could without sounding like the scared little girl that I really was.
    "Emily, I'm not gonna lie to you. I want to fuck you so bad it hurts. But I won't sleep with you until it's your idea … I can't jeopardize this. Scaring you away is not an option," he whispered in my ear. "I will wait as long as you're mine and no one else's … I'll wait. We both know I don't need my dick to make you come. I would love nothing more than to sink deep inside you, but I promise you just a touch from you will make me blow my load," he said, flicking his tongue in my ear, making me impossibly wetter. "I waited almost thirty years for you little girl, what's another couple of weeks, months, or years between us?"
    I stopped chewing my croissant and looked up to meet his lust-filled eyes. I swallowed and smiled into his mesmerizing gaze. "That won't be necessary Louis. I'm not that cruel … or innocent."
    Louis kept brushing his long fingers over my crossed legs under our table. He knew exactly what he was doing to me, that bastard. After what proved to be the longest breakfast I've ever had, we continued our carefree date. We took a stroll to a nearby park. He pointed out in the distance to what looked like an elevated, decrepit train track.
    "Look up there. That is the Highline. Bruel Industries is going to build an urban park suspended in the air—right there. It used to be an old railroad track but we're going to be part of a project to convert it into an oasis in this concrete jungle. What do you think?" he asked.
    I think you're perfect , I thought to myself, but said, "I think that's the coolest thing I've ever heard." That produced a full dimple-showing smile from him. We stopped by a bench, hand-in-hand, still hungrily assessing one another before sitting down.
    "Tell me what's your favorite book?" I asked him.
    "That's easy, Great Expectations , and as of lately it's my favorite movie too," he quickly answered.
    "Okay, Pip, what about your favorite color?" I continued to ask.
    Louis started laughing and said, "This feels like I'm back in high school, but I love it, so here goes: as of yesterday I thought my favorite color was red, hence my red Ferrari … but after last night it's whatever shade of pink your nipples are."
    That made me blush. I playfully pushed at him, only

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