Love in the Shadows
experiments tomorrow, ” Derek sent to her.
    “Oh, baby, hang on. I’m on
my way to Joe’s room now,” Katherine sent
    Katherine knocked on Joe’s door and
heard him call to come in. She opened the door and walked
    “You’re early,” Joe greeted
    “They start more experiments on Derek
tomorrow. We need to get him out tonight.”
    “Shit! We need to hear what Hugh and
Charlie found out. Raven is supposed to be getting back to me about
the cleaning crew. I know it’s hard to let them hurt Derek.
Remember that he’s valuable to them alive. They won’t risk
accidentally killing him.”
    “Would you leave your mate tied to a
table, while they tortured her?” Katherine asked through gritted
    “We’re not going in with guns blazing,”
Joe growled out. “We need a foolproof plan in place before we act.
I know you’re upset by all this, and that is the only reason I’m
not booting your ass back to New Mexico. Do you understand?” Joe
growled out.
    Katherine nodded. Joe was right. He
always protected Raven and Derek. This was his job. “I’m sorry,
Joe. I was out of line.”
    “Yes, you were,” Joe answered. “I know
this is hard for you.”
    Katherine realized that all was
forgiven. But they still needed to find a way to get Derek
    “Hugh and Charlie should be here in a
few. We’ll share reports and see what we can come up with,” Joe
assured her. “Might as well stop pacing and sit down.”
    Katherine hadn’t even realized she had
been pacing. She really was rattled. “Sorry,” she
    Joe shook his head and sat down as
well. He pulled out the drawing they had made earlier and studied
it. When Hugh and Charlie showed up, they tromped in and sat down
at the table.
    Joe started the meeting by telling Hugh
and Charlie that Derek expected more experiments to take place
tomorrow. Then, Joe described the fire-alarm button in the guard
shack and said there was a cleaning crew. Hugh and Charlie both
looked at Katherine, and she could see pity in their eyes. None of
them knew if Derek would be able to continue to shield her from the
pain of torture. She didn’t want their pity. She wanted them to
come up with a plan. Now.
    Hugh took over the meeting. “Buses drop
workers off at the lab at six a.m. and pick them up for their
return home at six p.m. At seven p.m. most of the lights go off,
except for those in the main hall and a few in the lab rooms.
Derek’s room is always lit. Outside lights come on at dusk and go
off at dawn. We found the fire-alarm switch in the main hall. We
did not see a cleaning crew.”
    “What about guards?” Joe
    “There are three night guards,” Charlie
said. “They come in on a bus from Manaus. One stays in the guard
shack by the gate. One is stationed inside the main door. The other
one patrols outside the building. A patrol is done every thirty
minutes. When they finish a patrol, they go into the lab. There is
a break room inside the main door. All three guards carry radios
and check in every thirty minutes. They seem kind of relaxed, which
will work to our benefit. Seems the only problems they have are an
occasional monkey setting off an alarm or triggering the door
    Just then they all felt
Raven’s mind-touch. As chief of the tribe, he could communicate
with anyone at any time. “ Good, you are at
morning brief. The cleaning crew is out of Manaus and is scheduled
during the day on Tuesday and Thursday,” Raven sent.
    “Roger that. We need to
get Derek out tonight if possible. The cleaning crew won’t be
there. I’ll report when the plan is in place,” sent Joe.
    “Well, that answers one of our
questions,” Joe said. “Now, this is how I see it. We go in at night
after seven when the lights are out. Hugh takes out the generators,
then Charlie sets a fire in the break room and hits the fire alarm.
Once the doors are open, Hugh kills the power, Katherine gets Derek
out of the building, and I destroy the evidence

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