Love Is... (3.5)

Love Is... (3.5) by Cassandra P. Lewis Read Free Book Online

Book: Love Is... (3.5) by Cassandra P. Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra P. Lewis
Tags: Romance, Gay, Contemporary
informing me that he woke up at five am, still dressed from the evening before and flopped across the bed. He’d put the kettle on to make a coffee so that he could stay awake to call me but must have fallen asleep before it had even boiled. He promised that he’ll call me at lunchtime and definitely tonight.
    Day Six- Friday
    Matthew called twice yesterday as promised. We stayed on the phone until three am just taking and laughing. We may be miles apart but we can still make the most of our opportunities to get to know each other. In some ways it’s easier like this, when I can’t see his amazing physique and flawless smile. He’ll be home tonight though, and I can’t wait to see him. It scares me how much I’m craving him, it’s been less than a week and I know that I’m falling for him already.
    Day Seven - Saturday
    “Bloody hell, I’m coming! Give me a damn chance!”
    My postman drives me insane every day. He knows that I live above the café and have to make my way downstairs when there’s a delivery, but he insists on keeping his finger constantly on the buzzer until I get there. I reach the bottom of the stairs and open the door to see a smiling Matthew signing for my package. He leans over to kiss me as he passes back the handheld signature device to the now grimacing postman. I take my parcel on a laugh and the grumbling postie turns to leave.
    “What are you doing here so early? I said I’d pick you up, remember!”
    Matthew came around to my flat straight from the airport last night. We cooked together and watched a DVD with a bottle of wine. It was tempting to ask him to stay over, but there would have been too many more temptations if he had, so he got a taxi back to his hotel. We are going shopping today and even though I said I would drive, I’m over the moon to see Matthew here at the crack of dawn.
    “I just had three days away from you Rafe, I couldn’t stand another minute!”
    I smile and we make our way upstairs. I’m only wearing my Family Guy lounge pants and can’t help but burn up as I see the way Matthew looks at my body, the hunger in his eyes is as clear as day.

    Day Ten - Tuesday
    “Hey Rafe, Where’s Matthew tonight? Are you two doing the do?”
    Danny has stayed behind for the sparring class. He enjoyed sparring with Matthew last week and was hoping he’d be back.
    “He’s in Belfast; I think he’ll be back. We’re seeing how things go mate. Come on then.”
    I climb into the ring and Danny smiles as he follows me in.
    “Oh that’s good, you might start going easy on us once you start getting laid regularly!”
    Danny laughs and I join him before playfully pushing him back into the ropes.
    “Not a chance!”
    “Oh bloody hell Rafe! Please put a top on!”
    I had just got out of the shower when my tablet rang to alert me to a Skype call. I didn’t want to risk missing the call so just jumped on the bed to answer.
    “Just a top?” I quickly flick the camera down and back up to show Matthew that I’m starkers and start to laugh,
    “You bastard!” Matthew flushes and shakes his head on a smile. “Game on!”
    My screen fills with the image of Matthew’s hotel ceiling for a minute, before a smug and very naked looking Matthew picks up his tablet and raises an eyebrow to me.
    “Two can play that game, Alvez!”
    We tried to maintain a normal conversation, catching up on the couple of days that we’d missed. But in the breaks in conversations, the sight of each other topless and knowing that there were no clothes below the camera’s view either, became too much.
    “Rafe, I can’t look at you like that anymore. It’s fucking killing me!”
    Matthew takes a breath that makes his chest rise up before he blows out the air through his ‘O’ shaped lips. I lick my lips as I watch him look away from the screen and then lean in to look at the camera. His eyes are burning up and I know he’s as rock hard below

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