Love, Lucas

Love, Lucas by Chantele Sedgwick Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Love, Lucas by Chantele Sedgwick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chantele Sedgwick
killing them, their populations can’t seem to recover. They’re fascinating creatures. Intelligent, quick for their large size, and gentle. They’re my favorite species of whale.”
    “I’ve never seen one up close, just pictures.”
    “I see the pod ahead.” She slows the boat down right when I spot a whale poking its head out of the water. The blowhole sprays foam and water everywhere and I watch, transfixed, as it dives down again.
    I grab my camera and take a few pictures. “They’re amazing,” I say as the tail splashes water into the boat.
    “I know, right?” She turns off the motor of the boat and we sit and watch as several other whales break the surface. “I know they know I’m here but they’ve never bothered me. They just do their own thing.”
    A whale appears about a foot from our small boat and shoots water out of its blowhole. I shove my camera under my shirt as it rains down on us.
    Jo reaches out a hand and touches its slick-looking skin. “You can touch him if you want. Since they’re so big, it’s easy to reach out and touch them before they go under again.”
    I don’t hesitate at all and reach out to feel the cool, slippery skin. I slide my fingers over it and watch the droplets of water scatter across the dark surface. The whale moves underneath my hand, going slow but steady, until it disappears into the water again. “The skin is so weird. Cool, but weird.”
    “Their skin feels weird because the dead cells they shed actually adhere to the surface. That’s what makes it slimy. It acts as a lubricant to allow them to move through the water more easily and reduce drag. The layer of fat underneath the skin is called blubber. It helps keep the whale warm. This water gets very cold and they have so much blubber they don’t seem to feel it.”
    Jo is so smart. “Sweet.”
    Another whale appears on the other side of the boat and I watch, fascinated, as its long body moves past us and finally disappears under the water again. It’s amazing how huge whales are. It’s like nothing can hurt them. Besides poachers, I guess. As I watch a few more swim near the boat, I’m surprised I’m okay with them being so close. They could knock us out of the boat in seconds and eat us for dinner. But I know whales don’t eat people. Well, besides Jonah, I guess. He had it coming though.
    “You’re getting a little red. You ready to head back?”
    “Sure.” I look at my arms, surprised to see a little pink tint to them. I didn’t think we were out that long.
    “You get more sun when you’re surrounded by water,” Jo explains. “And with your light skin, you don’t stand a chance.”
    “I guess that makes sense.”
    “You forgot your sunscreen, didn’t you?” She smirks at me.
    “Uh . . .” I trail off and look back at the whales.
    I hear her chuckle behind me. “I warned you. I have some aloe back at the house. The way you’re already burning, you’ll need it tonight.”
    I shrug. No big deal. It was totally worth it.

    On our way home, Jo picks up some McDonald’s for the two of us. When we pull into the driveway a few minutes later, she grabs the bag of food and grins. “How about we have a picnic on the beach? I don’t want to go inside yet.”
    “Sounds good,” I say. “I need to run in and put on some sunscreen really quick. I’ll grab a beach blanket while I’m in there.”
    “Okay. I’ll wait for you out here.”
    I skip up the porch steps and go inside. As I pass Mom’s room, I open her door to see if she’s in there, but the room’s empty. Where did she go? She doesn’t know anyone around here, and why would she leave without telling me? I shake my head and go to my room, trying not to let it bother me. I grab some sunscreen off the desk and rub it on my arms, shoulders, and face before heading back outside with a blanket tucked under my arm.
    Five minutes later, we’re sitting a few yards from the waves, relaxing and enjoying our food.
    “Do you

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