the beach, Roxi tried to tell herself. She was emotionally scarred from being raped, and he still grieved for his dead wife. What did it hurt to live in an imaginary normal world, if only for a short time? It wasn’t as if they were going to fall in bed and make mad passionate love in the middle of the day.
Well, damn. No sooner had the idea presented itself, then she imagined him stretched out on the sand, naked and waiting for her to straddle his big body.
“Why here?” she asked, curious about the man, and desperately trying to focus on anything but the way his broad shoulders filled out the T-shirt he wore.
“Pardon?” He shot a glance her way.
“Why did you decide to stay here?”
He walked along several more steps and bent to collect a shell from the wet sand. “I guess I was ready for a change.” He straightened and handed her the perfectly formed shell with a spiral curve extending to a point, the inside a shiny, soft peachy-pink mother of pearl. “And you don’t find sea shells on the sidewalks of a city.” He slipped his hands into his pockets and continued walking. “What about you? Why here?”
She smoothed the sand off the shell and ran her finger over the slick surface, loving the smooth beauty of nature’s work of art. “I’ve been here for the past fourteen years.”
“So? You could have moved.”
She swept her hands out and turned around. “Why would I leave all this?”
“Opportunity, a chance to see the rest of the world, view life outside a vacation town, avoid the cape winters.”
She stiffened. “I love the snow, and I have everything I need here.”
“Everything?” he questioned. “You’ve never wanted to visit other places?”
Roxi shook her head. “I can look them up on the internet.”
“Some people would say you’re hiding from the world.”
Roxi stopped walking. “What is this, an inquisition?”
Decker took her hands in his. “No. I’m sorry. I’m just trying to understand you.”
“I like it here.” She pulled her hands from his. “It’s the only place I’ve ever felt….” Dragging in a deep breath, she turned back the way they’d come. “It doesn’t matter.”
Decker stepped around and stood in front of her, blocking her path. He lifted her chin with one of his fingers and stared into her eyes, refusing to let her look away. “The only place you’ve ever felt what , Roxi?”
She turned her face toward the water, jerking away from his hand, her emotions intense, naked and raw. “It’s the only place I’ve ever felt safe .”
Chapter Five
D ECKER’S HEART CLENCHED at the rawness of Roxi’s voice, of the shadows darkening her pale blue eyes. “I’m sorry.” He brushed the back of his knuckles across her cheek, wanting to pull her into his arms and hold her, to chase away whatever demons plagued her. Deep inside, he knew holding her would only make things worse.
His digging had opened a wound she apparently hadn’t wanted exposed.
Otis returned to them and sat at Roxi’s feet, nuzzling her hand at her side.
She stroked his head and stared down at the dog, her eyes filled, but no tears fell.
“Forget I asked.” Decker stroked his fingers down her arm and lifted her hand, careful not to hold too tight. He brought her fingers to his lips and brushed a feather-soft kiss to the backs of her knuckles. “Please. Let’s walk. I promise to keep my mouth shut.”
He tugged her hand gently, and turned to resume their walk down the beach. He angled toward the surf, his bare feet padding through the damp sand.
“You’re right,” Roxi said softly. “I have been hiding from the world.”
Decker didn’t respond, just glanced her way, giving her all the leeway to share whatever she wanted, or nothing at all.
“Since I came here, the cape has been my sanctuary. I almost feel that if I leave, I’ll disappear or this place will disappear and I won’t be able to get back.”
“How long has it been since you left the cape
Sean Platt, Johnny B. Truant