Loving Two Dragons (Awakening Cycle Part 4) (BBW Dragon Shifter Paranormal Romance)

Loving Two Dragons (Awakening Cycle Part 4) (BBW Dragon Shifter Paranormal Romance) by James D Horton Read Free Book Online

Book: Loving Two Dragons (Awakening Cycle Part 4) (BBW Dragon Shifter Paranormal Romance) by James D Horton Read Free Book Online
Authors: James D Horton
are complete."
    I cock my head listening to them. It's odd to hear two people speak in such unison but when they speak there's a hollowness to their thoughts. I don't know exactly how I know but it's in their words and it's in the images that form in my mind as they talk. My chest aches with sadness well beyond what I felt at what had been done to them.
    I reach out with my heart, I feel for them and as women we connect. I don't understand it but I don't have to. As I reach, I feel their hollowness and look into it. There, beyond, I see more, something. It comes clear to me and as I see their memories tears stream down their faces.
    They're strapped down to tables. Magics play across them causing excruciating pain. I hear them screaming, writhing, they're being changed. The torture that Archer and Logan did was nothing in comparison to what was done by their own people. My cheeks are wet as my mind clears. I rush forward and wrap my arms around them, pulling them close. Their tears soak my shoulders and they shudder.
    "No more. There will be no more pain," I say rising.
    I try to untie their knots but I have no knife and they're too tight.
    He opens the door standing stiff staring at me. "Your knife. Untie these women. They will tell us what we need to know."
    Shock is apparent on his face. Surprise wars with relief. He's a smart man though and says nothing. Drawing a knife from his side he rushes forward and cuts their bonds. The two women rise rubbing blood back into their limbs. They look at each other then at me. The two of them kneel with their heads bowed.
    "Queen," they say.
    Gently I touch the back of their heads. "Rise. You are among family and friends. You are welcome among the Gold. Renounce those who have done this to you."
    Archer's face reveals nothing but I know him. There will be words. I lead the women out the door. Remy stands with Logan at his side and they don't bother to hide their surprise.
    "Take these two women to Lisa. Ask her to find them beds and make sure they're issued supplies."
    The two men take off as ordered. I turn back to Archer.
    "My Queen?"
    "Archer, they're not shifters. They were magicked. Tortured, brainwashed to believe they were. White used them as justification, to prove that the time to awaken the Ancients is here. They're twisting the prophecy to their own end."
    "I see," he says. "How did you..."
    "I am Queen of the Gold. And yes I am your Queen. As such it falls to me to remind you of your own heart. Of the heart of our people. No man can be expected to not go too far without his heart. I am that."
    "Your memories?"
    "Restored. Fully."
    Unshed tears rest in the corner of his eyes. "Welcome home, love of my life."
    I barely have time to smile before he's taking me in his arms and spinning me around laughing and kissing me.

Chapter ten
    "I know the location, I saw it in their memories." Jennifer says.
    We stand around the massive oak table in Archer's office. Maps are laid out and she digs through them until she pulls out one of South America. She points to a small speck off the coast of Peru in the South Pacific ocean.
    I lean in close to see it. Barely of note, which makes perfect sense as a place for an artifact from the dawn of time. Even shielded by magic, you still wouldn't want to park it on the crossroads of humanity.
    "Good," Archer says resting his hand on hers.
    For the first time in, well ever, I don't feel a stab of jealousy alongside my happiness. I feel content. Jennifer looks at me and I see the love in her eyes as well as Archer's. I feel a part of a trio, not a third wheel. It's like a massive weight is lifted off me and I'm filled with a sudden urge to sing so I laugh. The two of them look at me confused but I'm laughing so hard I can't stop. In moments they're laughing too. I'm laughing so hard my eyes are watering.
    "Well, we'll need to go explore that," I say. "So off to the jungle with us!"
    "Jennifer," Archer starts to say but she shakes

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