Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk

Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk by Lucia Jordan Read Free Book Online

Book: Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk by Lucia Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucia Jordan
mattered. She had no reason to feel guilty, whereas he certainly had all the reasons to do so.
    Remember Karyn and Stef and how he tried to split them up.
    Yeah, revenge could be sweet. She’d get the best sex ever and he’d end up with some major explaining to do to his brother.
    Gio sat in the parking lot of Karyn’s apartment building, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. He picked up his phone, stared at her contact number, and told himself to just call her and tell her he wasn’t coming. It would be smart and for the best if he kept their relationship to the office. Kept it professional.
    Shit. Just thinking of his office brought images of her spread out on his desk, her pink pussy open to his gaze, his touch, his mouth. His dick stirred. He wanted Karyn—again and again and again. How was this possible? Not once since meeting her had he felt this consuming attraction toward her. And while it was true that she seemed different now she was working for him, how could that really make any difference? She was the same person he’d met on several other occasions.
    Yet, the minute he’d faced her in her office, she’d become a thorn in his side. She was outspoken, self-assured, confident, and even a bit reserved. Did the woman have different personas? One in the office and one for social gatherings?
    He had to admit, Karyn Jones intrigued him. Too much . Maybe the better question to ask was—what was she playing at? Yeah, he’d planned to seduce her, bed her, then fire her, but what happened in his office had been unplanned and explosive.
    What happened to the cold controlled Dom?
    Once he had her in his arms, once he felt her curves and breathed in her scent, he’d been lost. And that first kiss had rocked his very soul and led to one of the best fucks of his life. So now what?
    Enjoy yourself
    Stef’s voice echoed in his mind. His brother had just called. He knew Gio was taking Karyn out on the boat and bid him to take good care of her and have fun. Gio groaned. God, he felt like a low, slimy snake, for he planned to both enjoy himself and his brother’s fiancé.
    Dammit, he was going to have to tell Stef, but he didn’t want his brother running back to California. Not only was this merger a big money deal, but he needed to see what was between him and Karyn. He’d never felt this way before and he needed to explore what this was and why.
    Getting out of his car, he found her apartment and knocked. She opened the door and stared at him, her eyes wide and uncertain. She wore a pale yellow sundress and white sandals and looked deliciously sweet, like sun-warmed honey.
    “Gio.” She drew in a deep breath. “I’m not sure this is a good idea,” she began, stepping back when he entered.
    “Why?” Guilt crawled through his gut and turned his voice harsh. Hell if he allowed her to back out.
    She blinked those baby blue eyes. “Gio! I’m engaged to your brother.”
    The last thing he needed was her reminder, not after just talking to Stef. He backed her against the wall. “You going to tell me there wasn’t some heat and fire between us yesterday?”
    She glanced away. “It shouldn’t have happened.”
    The fact that she was right only increased his guilt. He felt as though someone had sucker punched him. He shoved the feeling aside. Nothing else mattered at the moment. Using one finger, he turned her head to him and her her chin up. “It happened. And it’ll happen again. I’m going to fuck you on my boat, Karyn, and get you out of my system.” That should do the trick. He’d make it up to Stef somehow.
    Her brows lifted. “I think I have something to say to that, Mr. DeMitri.” She pressed her palms against his chest.
    He leaned in closer. “You may say, ‘Yes, Sir,’ Miss Jones.”
    Taryn’s jaw dropped. Whether it was shock at his determined tone or because she was on the verge of doing just that, she didn’t know. The thought of him fucking her to get her out of his system had

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