Lulu Bell and the Birthday Unicorn

Lulu Bell and the Birthday Unicorn by Belinda Murrell Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Lulu Bell and the Birthday Unicorn by Belinda Murrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Belinda Murrell
jug and stirred. The girls added the cold water and took their turns to stir. They carefully poured the liquid into sixteen small plastic cups.
    â€˜We have to wait until the jelly is half-set. Then we can decorate each cup with green snakes to look like seaweed,’ explained Lulu. ‘Mum thinks it will look really pretty.’
    â€˜It will taste yummy, too,’ agreed Molly. She licked a drop of mixture from her finger.
    The girls had just slid the tray of jelly cups into the fridge when the phone rang. Mum switched off the mixer and answered it.
    â€˜Hello, Shelly Beach Vet, Chrissie speaking.’
    She paused, listening to the caller.Lulu’s dad was a veterinary surgeon, and their house was right behind the vet hospital. When Kylie, the vet nurse, was busy with patients, the phone rang through to the house.
    â€˜Mmmm, I see … I’ll tell Dr Bell … Yes, he’ll be there as soon as possible …’
    Mum hung up, frowning.
    â€˜Honey bun, could you please give your dad a message? A pony is running loose on the Parkway,’ said Mum. ‘It’s a busy road and the pony could be hit by a car. We need to send someone up to catch it right away.’
    â€˜A pony?’ asked Lulu. Her face creased with concern. She had always loved horses and the thought of one in danger worried her. ‘Dad might need some help with it.’
    Mum nodded.
    â€˜Just remind Dad that it’s Rosie’s mermaid party this afternoon. We’ll have ten excited six-year-olds arriving in less than three hours,’ continued Mum. ‘You can go with Dad, but remember I still need your help to make the lolly bags and set up all the games.’
    Lulu tucked one of her honey-coloured plaits behind her ear.
    â€˜Don’t worry, Mum,’ said Lulu. ‘Molly and I can do that when we get back.’

Chapter 2
Shelly Beach Vet Hospital
    A thick green door separated the vet hospital from the house. When Lulu and Molly closed the door behind them, the familiar smell of the hospital surrounded them – a mixture of disinfectant and animal fur. Lulu loved being here. There were always lots of beautiful animals to talk to.
    At the front of the vet hospital, closest to the street, was a big waiting room.It had a counter, a huge fish tank filled with tropical fish, and shelves of pet products. Behind that were two consulting rooms where Lulu’s dad saw his patients. Then there was the hospital ward full of cages for the overnight patients. At the very back were an operating theatre, a store room and a tiny X-ray room.
    Kylie, the vet nurse, appeared in the hallway. She was carrying a large fluffy cat in a carry cage. She smiled at Lulu.
    â€˜Your dad’s seeing a patient in there.’ Kylie pointed to one of the consulting rooms. ‘He won’t be long.’
    â€˜It’s an emergency,’ explained Lulu. ‘We need to save a pony.’
    â€˜Go on in then,’ said Kylie.
    Dr Bell’s patient was a pug with a squashed-in face and a curly tail. It yapped furiously as Lulu tapped on thedoor. Its owner was an elderly lady. She cooed and stroked the dog. With her big fluffy coat and her own button nose, the lady looked a lot like her pet.

    â€˜There, there, Iggy,’ said the lady. ‘The noisy little girls won’t hurt you.’

    Dr Bell smiled at Lulu and Molly. ‘Hi, girls,’ he said. ‘What’s up?’
    Lulu quickly told him about the escaped pony. Dr Bell frowned and nodded.
    â€˜Okay, sweetie,’ he said. ‘I’ll just be a couple more minutes with Iggy. Why don’t you fill a bucket with feed and fetch a halter and lead, then we’ll go.’
    Lulu led the way to the crowded store room.
    The walls were lined with shelves right to the ceiling. On the floor were big bins of food for every kind of pet you could imagine. On a side table, under a heat lamp, was a closed cardboard box.Lulu carefully opened the

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